Monday, September 21, 2009

How Does The Public Eye Feel?

Well, let me tell you.

From the beginning I was not even aware that Pocomoke had a missing person. I found that information on another blog a few months after the person went missing. At that point I asked questions, did some searching. I did alot of searching and I found so much bumbled-up info out there that Sherlock Holmes could not string it together.

Now, in the beginning I do believe that LE "dropped the ball". But I also believe they must have had a reason not to jump on this right away. We do have an outstanding Sheriffs Department so the question to why the wait in the very beginning we may never know.

But the people of Pocomoke worked diligently. They talked to friends, neighbors, searched the internet, asked questions. They even blogged tirelessly trying to help. Eventually, they even personally volunteered their personal time and bodies on multiple occasions.

Then things quiet down again for a while. Yet the folks of Pocomoke, the ones that were in it from the start, kept pecking the keyboards finding bits and pieces and providing that info for whomever needed to know.

Still, no sight nor sound about what is actually happening to find this missing person. All the while the family is losing hope by the day. But the Pocomoke community has not forgotten them. Slowed down? Maybe. It's the same information over and over but we still work on tirelessly. We said we would, and by-golly we won't quit!

Fast forward: Something happened. What? We don't know......nothing new......Is anyone working on this? Then BANG!! New evidence! Yeeehaw! Just as we thought LE was not working on this. They prove that they are on the case with new findings.

Now shhhhhhh!! No one say anything about this "new"find. Ok. So we wait and wait. What's going on we wonder but we are told to "Shhhhh". So mums the word because we are a community of integrity and few want to be on the end of "so-n-so told me", "he said/she said" you know the small town "chatter".

Now once again it quiets down for awhile, and once again we wonder. Ok. Times up! Let's do this thing again......... Blogs are alive, people talking about who, what, when, why and how. We go to new places, do new searches, contact new people. We put a fire under their ass once again but each time we come up with less or I should more of the same. Of course we do. There is only so much info available and we have seen it all before.

Fast forward again. Someone finds a website that deals in missing persons that decides they want to help. Yeeehaw!! The city is ecstatic that this new person is willing to jump in and help. We probably bombarded them with emails. I know I did. I even sent them embarrassing emails of things I personally question and am skeptical about. But I figured what the heck.....leave nothing that could possibly help out of the picture.

Enters---- the "new hope" for the Sheddy family. At first we all stuck fast to our computers. We just could not wait to get home and fire up the PC, read and contribute VIA comments about what we knew and how we knew it. The "new hope" seemed vigilant and progressive.

But wait!! Something's not quite right. Some things we have said are taken way out of context. We are told there is no mishandling by the first appointed. I was even told by this "new hope" that she would personally campaign to help the first working on the case, to seek a higher office that the first in control of the case was seeking. (scratching head) Yeah, I know. That's a rough one.

Now off to blogging we go. Oh boy! We are going to get somewhere now! But wait! That's not right. Tha'ts not what was said. Now I have some questions. I ask those questions. But instead of an answer I get blamed. Me? Ok must be a mistake.

I/we keep plugging away and asking questions but I find now I and others are being blamed. What's going on here?

I start looking for the truth. Then I started posting my findings of the truth and BOOM!! I'm suddenly the bad guy. I'm the blogger that's trying to stir up trouble........I'm now the bad-guy, a target.

Oh boy! Now I'm going to be sued.
More and more people jump aboard the truth all the while others are now being accused of being me and I of being others. Why this diversion? Why the division? All the while the PCVFD is being implicated in a cover-up and conspiracy. We read about fires in Parsonsburg. There's a deputy Fire Marshall shot in the leg and the thefts at the Wicomico county landfill plus an eleven year old RICO case? Yet, I have to ask.........Where is Christine?

It looks as if the "new hope" has changed directions and is looking into some kind of government conspiracy that simply does not exist. A complete 180 degree turn from what they stated they would do from the beginning. The "new hope" demanded "proof to back-up" "accusations" from others but now the "new hope" is making accusations with NO proof. Anyone that can read can go back and see that for themselves.

What happened? Did the "new hope" hit a road block and needs some kind of juicy story for their readers, even if it's an embellishment? Did the PPE's throw a wrench into their spokes? Or did the outright lies just catch up to them.

Not much has happened since the "new hope: accused our VFD of deleting information from their website and insinuating that our VFD is involved in a conspiracy.

So, is this the end? What exactly is next? It has become hush-hush once again. Will the police come a-knocking at your door?

Nah!! It's just getting started!

Hold on to your hats!!!!!!!!


  1. Anonymous3:37:00 AM

    I'm so sorry you are dealing with this.

  2. Anonymous8:21:00 AM

    yeah, snif snif . . . its a real tear jerker. right up there with losing one's daughter


  3. anon 8:21
    If your comment was made to relay sarcasm in all of this it is not needed nor wanted. Even if you are not sympathetic you could try using just a little bit of common courtesy.

    That is a very hurtful and ugly statement.

  4. Anonymous11:05:00 AM

    8:21's post is written just like
    i4ni's posts.

    Perhaps i4ni made it and he was being sacrastic?? That is my guess because no one else here would write something like that.

  5. Hence the "snif snif"?

    I have never seen a post like that on here before either. We would have removed it.
    Just seems quite odd that after all this time someone is trying to twist the issue.

    And if you DO NOT understand exactly what the issue is may I suggest that you go back and reread ALL main posts in order that you can get a better understanding. Then, anon 8:21 and others, you can comment with some sense.

  6. Anonymous12:14:00 PM

    Practice what you preach

  7. anon 12:14 "practice what you preach"

    Which is.......? Why don't you try to be a little more specific?

  8. homegrown1:16:00 PM

    It's interesting that only "friends" are posting on "that" site now, for the most part, but they are still complaining about what goes on here. Why don't they do what they plainly prefer us to do and not post here, then they wouldn't get attacked here. They can't help themselves because they don't have any ammo over there. Just MHO.

  9. Anonymous1:38:00 PM

    attack? oh now . . . come on . . . you wouldn't admit to spending time doing that? that would just be foolish. there's no bitterness in your heart, right? i mean, you've examined your motives and feel good about them . . . right?

  10. Thank you Homegrown.

    anon 1:38 P.M.
    Motives? I am not sure what you mean. You seem to have missed the whole entire POINT not motive.

    The word "attack", in Homegrown's statement, is not in reference to anyone being verbally attacked, but the mere fact that posters like you "sense" that you are.

    "Right"? Nope. You are wrong!
    Next question............

  11. anyone that reads that and thinks it is I that needs a "snif snif" is just a nut-job.

    It is not a poor-ol-me post so you lost the context somewhere in your head.

    If anyone feels sympathy for anyone besides the family of the missing while reading that , well they need help

  12. homegrown2:27:00 PM

    Correct jmmb, I intended to sarcastically emphasize "attack" because that's what really happens "over there". The sad thing is most of the comments that they oppose are meant to clarify.

  13. Anonymous3:40:00 PM

    Did I miss something? How did the PPE's commentary about How Does the Public Eye Feel turn into some whacko remark about sniff sniff?

    8:21 implies that there is some kind of tally sheet which ranks how important something is by what it is If this is i4ni posting this crap well - that explains it all.

    Back to the original subject. The greatest thing since sliced bread (the new hope) turned out to be just more of the same ole stuff. Sure was a short lived carrer but don't worry, we will more than likely find Christine's case listed on a resume somewhere. Everything that has ever had a positive impact on the case like LE efforts, will be listed by the new hope as something personally and single handly accomplished.

    Just what accusations is the new hope demanding proof of? Sounds like a spoiled little child to me.

  14. Anonymous4:07:00 PM

    I see i4ni posts under more than one hat. Pot/kettle

    (His posts are so obvious)

  15. Anonymous4:14:00 PM

    Blink, my friend, what goes around, comes back around. Your fate is catching up with you. Becareful.

  16. Anonymous4:26:00 PM

    Maybe Blink should ask her psychic friends about the karma on heading her way?

  17. Anonymous4:26:00 PM

    Blinkster's claiming to have never publicly placed her name on the web.

    Got news for you Babycakes, when you filed your business, Blink Developement Group, with the state, all that information including your home address is out on the WWW.
    In trying to make your "business" appear legit you opened yourself up for some so called personal information to be revealed.
    Your personal information also appeared on the WWW when you registered your domain names.

  18. Anonymous4:34:00 PM

    FYI- i4ni didn't post on here

  19. Anonymous4:37:00 PM

    When she pretended to be "somebody" and filed a complaint with the FL Bar about Joez Baez, she knew her name would get out there.

    She was just hoping it wasn't another one of her failures in her endless attempts to seek fame.

    Can Blink spell FRAUD?

  20. Anonymous4:38:00 PM

    4:34 how do you know for sure?

  21. Anonymous4:51:00 PM

    I forgot about the Baez issue, 4:37. Her name, Shannon Stoy, is even given in some of the local FL newspapers.
    I got a kick out of the writer of the newspaper article calling Shannon Stoy, a "self-described" author and free lance journalist.

  22. Anonymous5:16:00 PM

    If you really want to annoy her, instead of calling her Blink, Blinkster, Babycakes or the new hope start calling her by her full name-Shannon Stoy. It would be fun to see how quick the PPE appears at the top of google.

  23. Anonymous6:16:00 PM

    This woman is so frigging stupid I can't stand it anymore.

    She's introducing into her emails now stuff like:

    "Legal Notice" &
    "Intended Solely for Addressee."

    She is well aware that when these emails are made public she will look even more the fool.

  24. Geeeez, I just learned something new -- legal notices are delivered by e-mail.

    And here I thought that legal notices are delivered by the sheriff or the U.S. mail. Of course, in order to do either you must have a street addess.

    Sarcasm intended.

  25. Anonymous7:47:00 PM

    Let's all share our emails. lol I need a good laugh.

  26. Anonymous7:55:00 PM

    That's Shannon, Pamela. She tosses around LSAT also, like she's taken it or something.

  27. Anonymous7:57:00 PM

    And quotes Maryland Code like she a member of the bar.

  28. Anonymous7:59:00 PM

    or atleast wanting folks to think she's a member of the bar.... somewhere.
    A legend in her own mind.

  29. Anonymous10:30:00 PM

    I have to wonder when the great white hope spends time with her own children.

    We all know she is so busy solving the Christine Sheddy case, trying to get a FL defense lawyer disbarred, writing her blog, composing threatening emails, commenting on the tattler, investigating the Caylee Anthony case. Now she is even putting out misinformation on the missing 5 yr old in FL, Haliegh Cummings.

    Damn! I am glad her own children are a priority. {sarcasm}

  30. Anonymous10:52:00 PM

    How's the old saying go....those that can't do, "teach others"?

  31. Anonymous11:06:00 PM

    lol 10:52 The thought of Blink teaching anything makes my skin crawl.

  32. Anonymous11:10:00 PM

    I just looked at her sight...and it made me sick. So much displaced emotion. I really wonder what type of person malingers on a sight like that. There is no doubt that they get some sort of enjoyment out of other peoples misery. Now Blink is obviously out to make a name for herself. She needs to watch herself. If she is representing herself as a member of law over in MD!

  33. Anonymous12:18:00 AM

    oops, looks like the "investigator" just outed her own "team" on the tattler.

    So, Suz is Soothsayer. Guess Blnk's team wears more than one hat too, as we all suspected.

  34. Anonymous12:38:00 AM

    Watch out Public Eye....Seashed has taken the gloves off and is going for the jugular and he is backed by the "prayer warriors". Better double lock your doors, they sound way worse than the cops!

  35. Tony Padilla (Leonard's newphew) recently posted on WS; "This case really went to some peoples heads thinking they were a huge part of it including a past member of this site. It really went to her head".

    I was wondering if he was talking about Blink. Public Eye, could you contact Tricia and find out?

  36. Anonymous10:23:00 AM

    Sure sounds like Babycakes to me, 10:11. This gives me an idea. I think I'm going to file an ethics complaint with the MD State Police Licensing Division which oversees investigators operating in Maryland.

  37. Anonymous1:57:00 PM

    10:11 That has to be about Blink. My gawd, even Tony Padilla knows she is a fraud. What the hell is wrong with the Sheddy's and Sacred Monkeys to give her a platform to spew her BS.

  38. Anonymous5:06:00 PM

    1:57, it takes a fraud to know one, padilla, scared monkeys and blink.

  39. Anonymous5:50:00 PM

    the monkeys better be scared cuz i see a big lawsuit a coming there way. then blinkster can finally have her 5 minutes of fame, but it will be for taking down a whole website and not bringing home a murder victim to her family.

    how could anyone perpetuate such a fraud to a grieving family is beyond me.


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