Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nancy Pelosi Bans Patriotic Music

Chairman Zero isn't much moved by our National Anthem:


His close friend and mentor doesn't like our flag:

Bill Ayers

So no one should be surprised that Nasty Pelousy has put the kibosh on patriotic music. From The New Ledger:

If you've ever been stuck on hold with a congressional office in the past, at least you've been able to enjoy some good patriotic music, as opposed to the lilting tones of generic smooth jazz that have been driving elevator users insane for decades. For years, congressional offices have played patriotic anthems as the background music during hold times.
Not any more. After we were startled by the hold music when we called a House office recently, sources on Capitol Hill informed us this week that the Democratic House leadership has made a sweeping decision that congressional offices now have the options of "smooth jazz" elevator music or no music at all.

But The Star-Spangled Banner can still be sung at baseball games — at least until MLB gets "bailed out."

Pelousy et al. must have thought patriotic music helped stoke the rage of constituents who call in because they cannot tolerate what these leftist traitors are doing to our country. Better the peasants should be lulled into a nauseous somnolence. Obama's Science Czar John Holdren, who has advocated putting sterilants in our drinking water, is probably working on a way to accomplish this pharmaceutically.


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