Friday, September 18, 2009


Every since I had my second episode that put me down I have been getting a sensation of feeling like I get shocked.. like an electrical shock.

In the last couple of weeks this shocking has started to be more frequent and more intense. And it hurts.

Starting yesterday it has gotten really bad and I can actually hear it in my head, when I first started hearing this noise I was looking for where the noise was coming from in the room until I left the room and it followed me everywhere and then I noticed I was getting shocked in conjunction with this noise

The louder the noise, the more intense that shocking feeling...

it's so bad that it actually takes control of my movements and I can't counter control them.

BTW: I can also feel this in my eye's

anyone ever heard of such crap? Is this "POX"? just kidding about the "POX" of course.


  1. Anonymous5:17:00 PM

    Oh No, Public Eye! I am so sorry. Maybe it is all the stress? I hope you are going to see a Neurologist asap.

  2. why thank you,

    no stress here, not much really bothers me... I'm kinda laid back.

    I have been seeing nero's for years. I found a really good, caring one in Berlin. She is top notch as far as I'm concerned and compared to the others I have been too.

  3. Anonymous1:10:00 AM

    I would definitely make an appointment to see your neurologist or either you General medicine doctor.

    I would have thought middle ear, but then you say it takes control of your body movements.

    I cannot express to you the need to see a doctor immediately.

    Just say I have some initials after my name.


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