Saturday, September 26, 2009

They Come From Across The Land

That's right, as the title says, they come from across the land.

I find this very interesting to say the least. After all the heat and trolls we have been dealt for the last little while I decided to do some digging to see just why we do not seam to see a middle ground.

What I did was decided to keep a log, a very personal log where no one could see it, in my head.

I was not very surprised at my conclusion as I had already suspected what my findings would be.

And those findings are...the vast majority that comes here to the PPE to stir the pot and spit vitriol are from thousands of miles away... they have never been to a search, they have never given their time, they have never thanked a PVFireman, why? because they don't live here.

So with that, if there's another search will the land be filled with these 'so-called' supporters from thousands of miles away? (all 5-6 of them?)Will they fly in from TX, CA, ME, KY, TN, ect.etc? That's an easy one, NOPE!

They are trolls, and some folks jump right on their trolling rigs like a hungry blue fish.

Every local that posts here are on the same page, and some outsiders also, but mostly every single local person can see what's happening.

It is a darn shame that some have fallen trap of a few trolls that want attention and are sitting back laughing about the way they have influenced others that are at present, week at heart.

Kudos to the locals and a few others that see this for what it is.


  1. Anonymous9:52:00 PM

    I figured as much. I am sure Blink would be running the registration desk and not searching. She would be far too important to that.

    Lynn hates Pocomoke. Her anger is so misplaced but she can't see it.

    Does she forget Levi and Joyce are from her back yard? Levi took her to them to the farm the first time. Lynn allowed Q to use her car to take the Christine and the boys to meet Jr and Tia. She knew she had no money, no transportation, no phone, no diapers, no food, etc.

    Lynn needs to let get a grip and ask the Lord to help her...not Blink.

  2. Anonymous10:00:00 PM

    If Lynn treated WCBI the way she has treated the good people of Pocomoke, then I can hardly blame them for not discussing the investigation with her. I can hardly blame them for a lot of things.

    Christine was not the first mother, daughter, sister, etc that LE agencies suspected of being a run away.

    She really needs to read other people's stories and join a support group of some kind. She has made many errors in all of this.

    Lynn should start with Tim Miller's (TES) story or John Walsh's, two very reputable people. Tim Miller doesn't think much of Shannon Stoy though. FACT

  3. Anonymous10:14:00 PM

    No one thinks much of Shannon Stoy. There is not one good thing about her anywhere except on her own site.

  4. Anonymous10:22:00 PM

    Blink must be a nasty vindictive person which is why Lynn and Company are drawn to her...."birds of a feather".

  5. Anonymous3:48:00 AM

    I have to laugh! Coalville is difinitely Blink. Just her choice of words - ie. redact, azz and OMFG - are so her. Plus she makes run on sentences and has no knowledge of how to use commas. She hits return all the time before she needs to. What a freak. I love how she compliments herself too. lol

  6. Anonymous3:52:00 AM

    Now Blink has me wondering if Joyce is all that bad. She has lied about everything else. She blatantly lied about Tom and Tricia. We all know she was Coalville. She wasn't fooling anyone.

    Hey Shannon, everyone is on too you. See you in the funny pages.

  7. Anonymous9:26:00 AM

    Since you're never going to be big chocolate cookie with shiny sprinkles on top PubLies
    then I suppose you could aspire to be
    snookerdoodles . . .

    Not as much imagination required but you'll be good for a good laugh on a regular basis. Take pride PublicLies and jmmb in the new lows reached
    here. There must be a reward when you look
    in the mirror and realize just how far off the track
    of human decency you've gotten. Has for nose grown?

  8. anon 3:52
    I am sure that Joyce may be just as bad as the rest of the bunch that is keeping the secret about Christine. If she had any good in her, as a mother, as a compassionate human being, and gave a rats a*** about other people she would be trying to help Christine's family and perhaps this nightmare would be over for that family. She may not think so but she has aided in this nightmare and its continuance by being silent. Not a very nice grandmother of those two little boys.

  9. Anonymous12:56:00 PM

    Maybe Joyce did try to help and got the same treatment as everyone else? I now have to question everything Lynn and Blink said after what they have done to so many.

  10. Anonymous1:48:00 PM

    Now look!! Blink has people believing Joyce. Lynn, wake up!

  11. anon 12:56
    Let's not give Joyce credit for much on this case. To my knowledge she has never opened her mouth to tell what she knows. I have to question what kind of grandmother/mother would stand back and ignore all the pleas from so many people for so long.

    I would say that if she had helped in any small way Christine's case would have been solved a very long time ago.

  12. Anonymous2:02:00 PM

    Maybe she dosen't know! Levi was not even there.

  13. Anonymous2:05:00 PM

    Why do you think that Joyce knows anything? She was the only one who would come and pick up the kids and Levi wasn't even around when Christine went missing???

  14. Anonymous3:33:00 PM

    Hello Joyce - everyone welcome Joyce . . .

  15. Anonymous4:28:00 PM

    The minute Lynn heard Christine was missing and supposedly left the boys alone, why didn't she jump in car and drive over there. She left it up to Joyce and Levi? Not a normal reaction from a mother who knew her daughter so well that she would not just up and leave. Certainly not a normal reaction from a "caring" grandmother. I would have driven there so fast...

    Lynn's anger is so very misdirected.

  16. Anonymous4:54:00 PM

    No kidding. If you haven't noticed, it's all about Lynn. She has a desperate need for attention. The poor kids are just an excuse because everyone feels badly about something happening to innocent children. But facts are, Lynn helped Christine go to Pocomoke and never came to get her or the kids.
    AND...has anyone taken notice, that none of the "supposed" bad guys are locals? Come on now, if someones child left Pocomoke and went to Delaware and had something happen to them, would you spend the rest of your life on the internet spewing on about how awful Delaware is??? There's nothing wrong with Pocomoke, the problem lies with some of the low life people that come down here. The locals have done nothing but be supportive and have Lynn dump on them.

  17. Anonymous5:06:00 PM

    If in fact, someone called me and told me a daughter was missing, a frantic urgency would have taken over. I would have immediately gone to Pocomoke and looked for her. One of first stops after checking in with Jr and Tia would have been the sheriff's office.

  18. You are so correct! I suppose I would have asked questions long enough that they would have had to call 911. There would be no stopping me finding my daughter! None at all............

    There would have been no waiting for the law. They'd just have to catch up with me.

  19. Anonymous5:26:00 PM

    Right, if Lynn went to pick up the boys, she could have called 911 right then and there.

    Instead she let bad Levi and his evil mother go get them and then called the police?? She didn't even go in person? Makes me question if she believed Christine did run away, had she done that before and Lynn knew it? Lynn's reaction sure seems unusual for a such a caring mother.

    Is this were all anger is coming from? Is this why she feel the need to destroy other people that have helped her?

    Something is wrong in Delaware not Pocomoke.

  20. Anonymous5:49:00 PM

    My grandson's would never be at a place where I could not contact my daughter. PERIOD! Lynn facilitated it by allowing them the use of her car.

    I am sure she did not realize what was to come but she needs to stop accusing, blaming, attacking, and down right lying about everyone or it will be done right back.

    She ought to thank the people of Pocomoke and not spit in the faces of people who cared and tried to help.

  21. Anonymous6:12:00 PM

    Billy is such a hypocrit. It seems it is just fine for Luke aka Lucas Cane to have 2 different names just like Blink aka Coalville did.

    Blink just "felt the need" to respond on the tattler. Doesn't she get it, no cares or believes anything she says. Take a look at how many comments you have Shannon, you have lost your audience and in the process, you have turned many many against the family. How do you sleep at night. Which drug aids you?

  22. Anonymous6:32:00 PM

    I have refused to go to Blink or Billy's site for some time. I've got no use for any of those people.

  23. Anonymous6:36:00 PM

    Blink never had an audience to begin with. Just a couple of nut cases with nothing better to do but inject themselves into places and people's lives where they do not belong. No one pays any attention to them because they are a joke. Blink's never solved anything. Blink is a liar and a loser.

  24. Anonymous6:39:00 PM

    And the hits just keep on comin'

    At the very least, you could up the creativity, wit and content ok?

    Its the same thing over and over and over again. Seriously getting tiresome and boring - even for yourself right?

  25. Anonymous6:42:00 PM

    It's obviously keeping your interest!

  26. Anonymous7:27:00 PM

    No doubt its a study in human nature. At its very worst I might add but carry on.

  27. I am from Maine, and I have posted on this blog what I actually believe. I do not know if you are referring to me, but if you are, let me know how I have ever "trolled". I stand by my statements always.

  28. no not at all RHKINC,

    I know we have polarized political views and I do not object to civil debate such as your comments. they are welcomed.

    Thanks for your concern. The Trolls know who they are.


All comments are the sole responsibility of the poster