Friday, September 18, 2009

This week in the end.

Well it has been a very interesting week.

The PPE has grown to numbers that are unbelievable for a small town local blog thanks to folks dedicated in searching and finding 'truth'

We have welcomed on board an international professional that is working behind the scenes to find the "truth"

Amazingly, the PPE's (readers) have brought questions and answers to some very controversial topics, you guys and gals have asked questions and demanded answers, y'all have searched the internet and sought out people that is in the know and brought good honest responses to things that were so far fetched it was like a twilight zone flick, but you found the truth.

That my friends is what it's all about, not only on the topic of the week, but anything in the MSM (drive by media)

Some have stepped on you but you kept on keeping-on.

We all know that somewhere in the middle of both sides of the issues lies the truth, and how many "truths" did you find this week? Several.

Even though we have been labeled the dark horse we just pressed-on that much harder.

There's no way I could do this on my own, and thanks to you (PPE's) when a main page post appeared it was a collaboration of everything you contributed then confirmed with permission.

All I can say is thank-you to all that used their personal time to seek and expose those that for whatever reason seam to want to invent a conspiracy.

Next week should be just as interesting as we wait on chapter 2

Thank you,


  1. Anonymous7:54:00 PM

    It is a shame that much of this energy has not been on finding Christine but how can we.....when Blink is in control and shuts us up.

  2. Oh no!

    All this energy IS working on finding Christine.

    Notice that even though we are "the dark horse" they are looking at the Wicomico county landfill, WHAT?

    yup that's right, it must be a government conspiracy right? :roll eyes:

    The PPE's are more focused on the issue while they are looking at Salisbury.

    It's a shame really, y'all keep doing what you are doing. You're on the right path.

    So why were these thugs at the farm NOT arrested for arson? We defiantly do not know, but what we DO know is that it was not because of the landfill scandal 40 miles away.

    Why even waist our time looking there? We don't.. keep pecking folks.

    we'll come out in the end.

  3. Hmmmm?

    maybe I have a bad spark plug wire


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