Monday, October 12, 2009

A big thanks to BNN, the readers and contributors


I have been trying to get the blog approved by BNN, (Blog Net News), this is a copulation of blogs and one has to meet certain criteria to be accepted.

I had submitted this blog early on and was denied because I was not aware that a blog must be a minimum of 90 days old to be eligible. After the 90 day period I resubmitted as directed by BNN and I have not heard a yay or nay.... I was visiting BNN today and low and behold what do I see but the PPE has been approved/added to BNN.

Thanks to our loyal readers, our contributors, BNN, and of course those other blogs that posted bad things about us and brought new readers we are #1 on delmarva.

This is unbelievable to me as this is a very young blog and frankly I never set a goal to be #1

Thank You's too all,



  1. Anonymous3:44:00 PM

    Very Good!

  2. Anonymous7:05:00 PM

    Congrats! Well deserved.

  3. Anonymous7:35:00 PM

    awesome keep up the super work

  4. Tom,

    You might want to thank Billy while your thanking everyone else, as he wrote a personal letter to the owner to ask that they take you.


  5. well Steph, I'm not a mind reader... I think I covered everyone in my thanks as they have to be a reader and/or contributor.
    Thanks too ALL, everyone, anyone, BNN, the church, all the planets, my ISP, your ISP, Al Gore, etc. etc. etc. to whoever, it is greatly appreciated and unexpected. I am humbled.

  6. I think there might be a little more to it than a letter. Tom has worked very hard on this website right by himself.

  7. Anonymous11:57:00 PM

    nice blog and well written and organized

    congrats on the #1

  8. Anonymous3:44:00 PM

    You should also revise your profile. There was a time you bashed LE as much or more than anyone and it is clearly stated in your profile.



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