Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Odor on Nictitate (chapter 4)

Coming soon!

Be here, you wont want to miss this one!


  1. Anonymous12:18:00 PM

    ummm ya if its as lame as the last one - lets just say this place is about as boring as watching paint dry and the comments seem to be by a bunch of lead paint chip eaters

  2. 12:18 PM

    BIG red X.... top right corner of the page

    don't like it, don't read it

  3. Anonymous1:20:00 PM

    Oh no I wouldn't do that. I hold it up as a great counter example of a great blog vs one designed for the lowest common denominator. Keep up the good work.

  4. Anonymous4:46:00 PM

    They just can't stay away, PE.

  5. Odor Eliminator10:49:00 AM

    Why thank you Anon 12:18. Your opinion means the world and is greatly appreciated. It inspires me!

  6. Anonymous8:04:00 PM

    Here is an interesting little tidbit.

    The owner of Websleuth, Tricia, happens to live in the Coalville area.

    The same name of a reader on Blink's BLOG that suddenly appeared, had the same writing style as Blink, and made up that BS about PE and Tricia.

    Looks like Blink is caught wearing more than hat! Whacko!

  7. Hmmmm, will have to look that up 8:04

    Don't you find it interesting that TES and one of its volunteers is in the news and not one word from Nictitate. What happened to all her TES contacts?

    (Haleigh case)

  8. Anonymous9:22:00 PM

    Everyone along time ago figured out Shannon is/was full of it. Too bad Christine's family fell for it.

  9. Anonymous1:28:00 AM

    I hear Blink has been around for while and has never been well liked at all. Maybe she is having an affair with the owner of Scared Monkeys and that is why she got her own blog there. Either that or he is just as dumb as she is because she is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and that is obvious just by her writing skills or lack thereof.

  10. Anonymous1:09:00 PM

    Geez, where has Shannon Stoy, the investigative journalist been? Bet she didn't know Levi spent some time in the custody of the DE Dept of Corrections recently. The warrant is old from July, I believe.

  11. Anonymous5:22:00 PM

    Actually she does know this about Levi.

  12. Anonymous5:35:00 PM

    5:22 Yeah, she knows NOW!! lol

  13. Anonymous6:17:00 PM

    1:09 Shannon is too busy making up BS about people. Gotta love the Coalville post....she is not nearly as smart as she thinks she is!

    Maybe Shannon should go into interior decorating....oops now that won't work will it, Shannon?

  14. Anonymous6:27:00 PM

    I wish Billy would go back out of town, have a few too many and start blogging again. That was so funny 2 weeks ago. "KWIM", Billy?

  15. 6:17 Trivia ~ Did you know that you have to know how to clean a house before you can decorate it. One more piece of trivia ~ some people are just Drivenon by their own ambitions.


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