Thursday, October 29, 2009

Run Abdul Run...

What's he keep looking at? LOL


  1. Dear Mr, Tom Ayres, AKA Xtraham

    It seems there are no comments on any of you cut and paste stories.

    Maybe it's time for you to stop another search for the murdered woman's body.

    Like you did with your stinky blinky BS.

    You owe a lot of people a *BIG* apology!


    William F. Burke, Publisher
    Pocomoke Tattler

  2. Dear Billy Burke, AKA rockville, AKA, preston, AKA Washington DC, AKA Lancaster, AKA Edgewater, AKA Pasadena, AKA Bosshogg

    I owe a lot of things but not one of them consist of an apology. Don't hold your breath....

    I have gone out of my way and provided tools for averyone to use to prove me wrong,

    I re-posted controversial topics with directions on how to prove me wrong. YOU CAN'T!! if you could you would have done so.

    My info is fact, you can't prove it wrong.

    As for C/P... this is my blog to do what I want to do and as the header say you see news that's not in the MSM for the enjoyment of reading, not to generate comments.

    you should be worrying about your own blog rating instead of snooping here all day... obviously all night.

    Go sleep it off.

  3. oh and we forgot

    "get over it" y'all should be familiar with that quote, if not ask around your clan.

    and can't forget this

    "hey you know what, I have a,.. I've got a plan for you, why don't you move"

  4. Anonymous7:27:00 AM

    They can't stay away, can they? It's as though they get nervous and agitated when it's quiet and will do anything to start a fight.

  5. Clara Mae12:25:00 PM

    What is with you, Billy Burke? You have done the cut and paste thing yourself. Just look at your Boss Hogg picture. Unless of course you played the role of Boss Hogg on the Dukes of Hazard!

    Public Eye needs to make no apologies. The only people who "stopped another search for the murdered woman’s body" are the people who have lied and continue to lie about efforts to find Christine Sheddy. You' yourself know who they are and if you could be truthful you wouldn't have to look far from home.

    Stinky Blinky created her own mess simply by being. You’re just mad because you didn't have the good sense to check her out before endorsing her. You know that you’ve made a mistake but no one will ever hear you say it. Instead you behave as if you’re too good to admit your mistake and you blame everyone else for it.

    How could there be "another search" when it’s been said in the past that there were no searches? Your blog has allowed the trashing of LE and many others for supposedly not searching.

    No one wants to post on your blog anymore because you allow such evil hatred to be posted that isn't true. The only two things can be found on you blog are hatred and vengeance by people who created it their own selves.

    You also give out the name of people who post and withhold comments until you decide it’s the right time to post them.

    Why don’t you just quit snooping around on PPE and go write another conspiracy story about McDermott.


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