Wednesday, October 21, 2009

When Geese Fly in a V

When geese fly they fly in a V formation for aerodynamics, they swap the single leader so it can rest as that goose takes the brunt of the air and tires. As they fly there is only one question.

Why is one side of the V always longer than the other side?


  1. Here are a few smart ass answers when I googled....

    Geese can't count...

    There's more geese on one side..

    Other than that, I got nothin.

  2. Celebrating Home5:15:00 PM

    Stuff like this drives me nuts LOL. Even though the most common answer seems to be, because there are more geese on that side. However, I found this which is an explaination of a change in formation.

    Another thing you'll often notice is how a ?V? changes shape.
    Sometimes it looks more like a check mark, with one bird flying lead,
    two or three birds trailing on one side, and the majority of birds
    strung out on the other. This too is a strategy for dealing with wind.
    It usually means a crosswind is blowing ? the short side of the
    formation is taking the brunt of the wind, while on the long side, the
    birds are attempting to shield one another from it."

  3. no interest so it's

    yup one side of the V is longer because there's more geese on that side


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