Friday, November 13, 2009

After the Storm Assessments

Seems to be alot of water around just about everywhere you go today!

Maybe if these homeowners can find a plunger they won't have
to call the plumber............................

And these are (were) almost full grown banana trees in the side yard.
Guess there's no hope for a banana crop this year!

Remember.... if you don't have to go out and travel today........DON'T!
Just RELAX! You might like it!


  1. They're gonna need a new sears catalog now

  2. Anonymous7:17:00 AM

    The plunger/plumber caption is so funny. I hope the homeowners were able to find the humor in it despite the obvious inconvience of all that water in their yard. And yes, I know the outhouse isn't a real outhouse, thank goodness.


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