Monday, November 9, 2009

Low key visit to Fort Hood by President and Mrs. Bush

No photo ops, no grandstanding, no comments--just a quiet comforting visit from former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura to Fort Hood, Texas.

After traveling to the base, which is about 30 miles from their ranch, the former first couple spent about two hours visiting the wounded before slipping away as unobtrusively as they arrived, specifically telling the base commander no press coverage according to Bill Sammon of Fox News.

A fine example to set. Except President Obama decided to take a break from passing health care reform and holiday at Camp David.

The worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11 and Obama can't even make it to Fort Hood to visit his wounded troops?

An interesting contrast, don't you think?



  1. he never needed a grandstanding or photo op when visiting our soldiers..... or the dead when they were returning to Dover.

  2. Anonymous11:46:00 AM

    a) Our President Barack Obama and his wife are visiting Fort Hood today

    b) what do you call parachuting in to 'mission accomplished"? If that's not grandstanding I don't know what is

  3. what does 'mission accomplished" have to do with a crazed muslim killing American Hero's?

    OH!!! never mind, it's Bush's fault right?

  4. Anonymous3:30:00 PM

    The memorial sevice in Fort Hood is just ending. It was very moving. 5000 were expected, 15,000 attended. Alot of the wounded were able to attend.

  5. Anonymous4:50:00 PM

    Excuse me but why would you LIE and say that our President is vacationing and not visiting Ft Hood today?

    Also I was responding to the ridiculous comment that Bush never needed to grandstand when visiting troops. Oops WRONG

  6. Anonymous said...

    Excuse me but why would you LIE and say that our President is vacationing and not visiting Ft Hood today?

    Also I was responding to the ridiculous comment that Bush never needed to grandstand when visiting troops. Oops WRONG

    4:50:00 PM

    please point out where anyone said "our President is vacationing" @ "Ft Hood today? "


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