Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Michael Steele Uses Slur in Hannity Interview

I mean seriously... who in their right mind would be offended by this? But then again they were, so obviously not in their right mind. And they have the gall to call it a "slur"??? libs... geeze

In an interview with Sean Hannity, GOP chairman Michael Steele said that the Republican Party platform is "one of the best political documents that's been written in the past 25 years -- Honest Injun on that."

The term "Injun," an intentional mispronunciation of the word "Indian," is widely seen as a derogatory way to refer to Native Americans. In 2006, Democratic congressional candidate Steve Kagen apologized for using the term during a public appearance.


  1. Understanding Michael Steele is a little bit easier when you find out who's coaching him:



  2. I've heard that expression used all my life. Never knew it was a slur. Who says?


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