Sunday, January 3, 2010

5 year old Solei will be laid to rest.

if you have not kept up with the story of the little Solei Watson that lost her fight to cancer in her 5th year of life it is a tragic and angering one, but a heart felt wonderful ending.

Solei had no life insurance, She was prepared to depart by the Benny Smith Funeral Home. The Benny Smith Funeral Home would not complete arrangements for little Solei Watson without money in hand.

Solei's family members sought advise VIA a local blog in which a couple more from my understanding picked up Solei's story.

I didn't post anything about the goings on because I didn't have a contact to get permission. Yesterday I found contact info to Solei's Aunt and advised her we would help in any way we could with the families go-ahead.

The Aunt contacted me this morning with the joyous news that an anonymous person has donated the monies for Solei's burial.

The wonderful people of the Eastern Shore come through once again.

A great-big Thank You to the anonymous contributor that gave Solei and this family closure.

Blessings to Solei's family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. According to another popular blog this matter has not been taken care of by an anonymous contributor. There is still bickering going on with the funeral home and quite frankly I don't understand what is going on with all of this. The funeral is scheduled for tomorrow and there is still an issue about the burial.


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