Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Car Fire in Pocomoke is Ruled as Arson

An early morning fire at 1000 Quinn Avenue destroyed a vehicle that had been stolen earlier in the evening in Pocomoke City. The fire was discovered by a Pocomoke City police officer around 3:30 a.m. on Saturday, February 13th. The fire also damaged a commercial structure nearby and kept the fire department busy for about an hour.

Upon investigation the Worcester County Fire Marshal's Office has stated that the vehicle fire was set deliberately.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Chief Deputy Fire Marshal Matthew Owens at (410)632-5666, ext. 2 or mowens@wcfmo.org

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:59:00 PM

    Probably the same kook that started the fire in Walmart. Or was he in jail by then?


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