Friday, February 26, 2010

Letter From Sean Henady

Our Words have consequences

It has taken me two days to write this letter regarding the recent events that have transpired in Snow Hill, Maryland. I’ll begin with explaining why I have been involved with this case and why it has given me a great deal of heartache as of lately. We were asked nearly 10 months ago if we could assist in searching for Christine Sheddy. I’ll fully admit from day 1, I honestly didn’t see how our foundation could be of any more benefit or success than the groups of officials and volunteers that had spend countless hours already trying to find the answer. Although along with so many others, we were at least willing to do our best, and simply try. To this point our only involvement with the direct search for Christine has been with a minor amount of studying aerial mapping and imagery from late 2007 and early 2008, along with deriving theories as to where the next search effort could be conducted.

Outside of this minimal involvement, our official capacity has been of no benefit or consequence to the agencies handling the proper investigations. However, for the last 10 months my partner Mandy Albritton and I have stood beside Lynn Dodenhoff, a mother that has put her life on hold because she has had no answers as to what happened to her daughter that November night back in 2007. In working with Lynn throughout the last several months, we have coached her through events as we have felt most appropriate and sometimes stumbling along the way. While we didn’t always agree with her actions and reactions, we continued to try and provide additional support across each road bump that would surface. We listened when she yelled; sympathized when she cried, and tried to understand the pain and frustration she was enduring through her nightmare. I make no proclamation that I could ever truly understand what this mother has endured. I can tell you however after meeting Lynn in person this last weekend, I have never met a mother so dedicated, so strong or so passionate about continuing the fight.

Last weekend, I also had the true honor of meeting Christine’s children. To look into their eyes and listen to their voices, I could not fathom the questions they would have regarding their mother or where she has been for the last two years, three months and 12 days. Every single day, these kids hope and pray that their mother is going to walk through the front door and their nightmare would end. I have 3 children of my own; a 19 year old step daughter, a 9 year old son, and a 5 year old daughter. It’s hard enough for me to explain to my youngest why I had to stay at the office all night and couldn’t be there to tuck her in bed. What I witnessed a few days ago, was a dedicated mother who would never stop fighting for the answers regarding her daughter. In addition I was inspired by how this grandmother was now protecting Christine’s children through all of the unknowns and chaos. Lynn has been so careful with these innocent kids and has tried in every way imaginable to protect and block them from the recent news and speculations around town. She is determined to hold true and not jump to conclusions until official word comes.

Every newspaper, every blog and every conversation around the community is consumed with the question. Is this Christine? Most of you feel it may be, while some of you actually state it as fact, even before there has been any medical declaration stating so. Let me give you very clear facts right now. I want you to understand and fully comprehend what I am about to write and take it to heart. Because of speculation, media sensationalism, blogger indiscrimination, leaks within the investigation and a rush to blast information, just over 48 hours ago, a ten year old girl read online that the skeletal remains of her mother had in fact been found and would never be walking through that front door again. I’ll state it again. Christine’s ten year old daughter has read online that her mother is in fact dead. Over 2 years ago three children were robbed of the chance to spend another night with their mother. Two days ago, Lynn was robbed of the chance to explain to her grand daughter on her own terms that this may be Christine. Through the advice of law enforcement and to protect her grandchildren, Lynn was trying so hard to keep the children from the news. She has been waiting in seclusion for official word since the news broke as to the identification of the body. She wanted 100% confirmation before she would have to explain anything to the kids. Unfortunately with Lynn only dropping guard for a few minutes, Christine’s daughter just over 48 hours ago, did get onto a computer and read information that was stated as fact, even though the true results have not yet been determined.

I have listened to some of you preach about your personal journalistic integrity or rights to deliver the news, and I have watched as others hide behind anonymous posts or made up names and locations. I have witnessed people patting themselves on the back for solving this or crediting others that have done little more than spread gossip. While it is apparent to everyone that the blogs and media outlets covering Christine’s case each display their own views regarding the events, circumstances and the investigation as well as opinions regarding the other blog owners. The simple fact remains that only one person has pushed hard enough for long enough and has never waivered in her quest for answers. Rest assured if you are stating something as fact prior to official confirmation or if you are hindering this investigation by reporting information detrimental to the case, your words will have consequences. If you are in official capacity and leaking information to the media pertinent to this investigation, then there can be a completely separate level of action and judgment. Even fake names or anonymous posts can be tracked by an ISP address through official subpoena.

I am pleading with you in the news, and with each of you blog owners along with those posting comments within these blogs on Face book, MySpace or any other social media. Please consider what you are writing before you submit. Yes, it is your first amendment right as a journalist to report on the news. And yes, It is each citizen’s right to have an independent voice stating personal beliefs. But the moral rights of this family and the children of Christine Sheddy should be given proper consideration before you ever comment on this case. Your words do have consequences and the results can cut deep into the heart of a child.


Sean Henady


Executive Director

3View Search Services


  1. Anonymous3:00:00 PM

    Interesting alright and yes words do have consequences AND so do ACTIONS like getting oneself involved with a 2 bit "investigator", who in your own words basically gossiped her way through Worcester County! I don't even know, if I would call most of it gossip as alot is completely made up fabrications.

    But just who in the hell are you chastising?

    One thing's for certain.
    This site evolved out of loyality. Loyality to ALL of our local LE and fire officials and members of the PCVFD. Everyone was tired of the slamming they were getting.
    And for your information the dedication and determination of WCBI solved this case.

  2. Anonymous4:24:00 PM

    Boy does this person ever need to get their facts in order.
    Lynn through her association with Blink allowed personal information about people and CHILDREN not even involved in this to be plastered all over Blink on Crime, including children's pictures!
    Not only that put potiential witness' in danger, by allowing their names to be posted.
    So don't start with the cry me a river over Lynn.

  3. Anonymous5:06:00 PM

    Moral rights? What about the moral rights of those individuals, not even remotely involved in Christine's demise? Those whose names were plastered all over Blink on Crime so now if and when someone google searches, their names will appear in connection with this crime?
    Lynn and family condoned this, even going as far as giving these names to Blink.
    Frankly, Mr Henedy I believe you are being used.

  4. Clara Mae5:13:00 PM

    While your heartfelt plea of sympathy is heard you really need to get the facts straight.

    This is almost laughable if it weren't so sad. Playing the sympathy card along with veiled threats is the exact MO we have all been putting up with for a very long time.

    Mr.Henady, don't be fooled by a good performance. Many of us have seen or experienced the great performance. Just watch your back!

    Besides all of that - what was a 10 year old doing on a computer surfing the internet unsupervised. Don't give us the crap that in one chance moment this child snuck onto a computer. How did this child know exactly where to go to read anything.

    Are you telling all of us that we should pretend that everything is just great and wonderful. I'm sure that the children can probably tell all of us a thing or two. I'm also sure that "the children" have heard plenty right in their own home. ALL children have big ears!

    If you want to threaten official subpoena's (are there any other kind) go for it. You better start with your partner Blink and your new found friend Lynn cause they have blabbed anything that they have known or not known!The made up stories from these two have been unbelievable.

    If there were leaks in this case we all know who the biggest blabber mouth was and still is! It wasn't LE.

    We are proud of WCBI as they have worked tirelessly to find Christine. Even to the point of following nonsensical insistance by some of Christine's family.

    Please Mr. Henady, don't lecture us!

  5. Clara Mae6:18:00 PM

    One more thing Mr. Henady...

    The local news just announced that the remains are Christine's. For this I'm sorry to hear but releived as well. Hopefully her family can find closure and the answers thay have sought.

    In the announcement on the local news they go on to say that Sheddy's family believes that this man (up comes a picture of Clarence Jackson)........ ironically, the local TV station also knew where to hold their live report and it wasn't where the remains were found it was where Lynn lives.

    So just who are the blabber mouths leaking out things about the case? They shouldn't be saying anything especially not anything about Clarence Jackson.

    You better get one of those official subponea's ready.

  6. Mr. Henady thankyou for your correspondence.

    Having gone through the same experiences many years ago of having to tell small children that a parent was never coming home, I can appreciate your concern.

    However, Mr. Henady, I would have preferred if you had stated exactly who you were referring to
    in regards of not using good judgement and choice of words.

    I can only think of one such blog site that made even my blood run cold and those two words that would truly cause such pain. I consider the words "it's her" to be what you are referring to.

    Please don't try to put the spin on all of this and blame bloggers for this for what that child read with her little eyes. Something like that should have never been within her reach. No one can be held responsible for that except the guardian.

    I read all of the blogs that have been following this case and all of us were careful to convey the message that there was no proof the body was Christine.

    Words are powerful, Mr. Henady.

    I certainly have mounds of appreciation and respect for our law officers that have worked on this case. And my thoughts are truly with Christine's family, in spite of what some may think.

    I would appreciate it very much if you would place blame where it is due and not be general about it.

  7. I would like to see a list of the blogs this was sent to and the blogs that didn't post it please.

    Specifically, was this sent to Blink? Did she publish it?

  8. Anonymous9:27:00 AM

    Threats and sympathy sure does sound familiar. It must be part of the job requirements for employees of his foundation.

  9. Anonymous9:30:00 AM

    PPE, blink probably wrote this letter. She works there and it sounds just like something she would come up with.

  10. Still got the blinders on even after her body was found??? I can't wait until all the truth comes out and you will all see just how hard this family had to work to bring a loved one home... Do you all not have hearts??? WOW!

  11. Marci we do have hearts. All of us share in the sadness for Christine's family and we always have.

    And all of us are very aware of how hard the family has worked on this case.

    We've never lost sight of the fact there was a greiving family and three small children involved in all of this. And we have never forgotten the fact that the circumstances leading to all of this can be mind boggling.

    What you don't understand is what our purpose has been from the beginning.

  12. I wouldn't say "all" of us.. I have seen many on this site tear this family apart and add to the pain that a family should never have to go through.. The proof has been in the words that posters have typed on this forum over and over again..
    FOR ONCE... Just ONCE can the people on this site and a few others like it just take a break on the word beatings and just pray for this family??? I mean they finally found their loved one buried in dirt...

    How about a weekend of peace for this whole family.. For Christine and her children.. May God rest her soul...

  13. Anonymous11:41:00 AM

    "I honestly didn't see how our foundation could be of anymore benefit or success thatn the group of officials and volunteers that had spent countless hours, already trying to find the answer"

    Well I'll be a son of a gun. Here I thought those officials had just put this case on a shelf somewhere to collecting dust.

  14. Marcie,
    I am saying ALL of us. It would take an extremely cold hearted person to not sense what has happened. And you will have to choose for yourself whether to believe me or not.

    Readers will read your request and decide for themselves, I guess. If you want peace for the family, which they so deserve, then turn your computer away from here.

    Now, if all of the readers left comments that were sympathetic you would simply question that. Or so I am guessing. I don't know what else I can tell you. I should think that the family would have more to do then worry about what is being said here today.

  15. Anonymous12:30:00 PM


    what has your purpose been from the beginning?

  16. To get the REAL truth out! To let people know that Pocomoke is NOT the way it has been written about by others. The people of Pocomoke are not as they have been written about. And to show that the stories you have been reading elewhere, I am sure, are a mere fabrication and in most cases lies!

    But somehow I get the feeling you already know most of this.

  17. I think the real story will come out and it will vindicate Christine her family and everyone that has tried to find her..... regardless of what comes out about Pocomoke...

  18. Anonymous12:17:00 AM

    Marci, the "real story" and only story that will come out of this, is the bad, no EXTREMELY, poor choices Christine made in her life. Now of course she's not to be blame totally for her own death, if it's determined to be a homicide but her irresponsible decision to place not only herself, but 2 small children in proximity of the tenants of Byrd Rd plays a hugh role.

    There's NO denying the lifestyle of her boyfriend who introduced her to them. She couldn't have thought his friends were professional people with ambitions and goals, now could she?

    All of these new found friends were nothing but 2 bit criminals like the boyfriend, wise to the criminal justice system and that's what took so long (which considering most missing persons cases, wasn't long at all) for something to develop.

    The only vindicating that's needs to be done has been done. The vindication of LE who supposedly "hadn't done anything" like ever searching the farm property for starters.

    FYI-the farm was searched extensively 2 times and a few other not so extensive searches well before the mother organized her own search.

  19. Anonymous1:55:00 PM


    12:17 . . . You need to find the gene missing in your DNA that says: I may make a poor choice but that does not mean that I deserve to have my very life taken from me and my remains and my story kept away from my loved ones (my children, my parents, my sister, my dear friends!) for the rest of eternity.

    Love thy neighbor and all of that . . . do a little soul searching sister

  20. Anonymous2:21:00 PM

    You should be asking your clients why they were so deceiving, like for instance, the community search.
    If they had come out and said, yes we know the farm's been searched, but we would feel more comfortable doing it again, then everyone would have understood.
    When you are caught deceiving once, everyone wonders what else could they be hiding or not being truthful about.
    Does this make sense? I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for an answer........

  21. Anonymous2:40:00 PM

    Anon 1:55 you need to find the gene missing in your DNA that has to do with reading comprehension.
    NO WHERE does it say anyone's life DESERVED to be taken, now does it???????
    Nor does it say ANYWHERE that the family doesn't deserve answers, does it???????

  22. Anonymous2:41:00 PM

    My clients? What ARE you talking about?

  23. Anon 1:55PM
    We have all made a bad choice or two in our lives. And making a bad choice does NOT mean anyone deserves to die and our remains discarded as trash. The unfortunate thing about bad decisions is that we never know it was a bad decision until after the fact.

    And sometimes our decisions are not the best thought out plans. Those of us that have made bad decisions and survived need to be very grateful and learn by that mistake.

  24. Anonymous3:50:00 PM

    It appears to me that the client comment was in reference to the post's author and the family, Anon 2:41, now go unwad your panties.......

  25. Anonymous3:53:00 PM

    I don't know about your theory of not knowing a bad decision was made until after the fact rings true, jmmb. Take for example DWI. You have to know before you are pulled over and charged that driving while you were loaded wasn't a very smart thing to do.

  26. I also said that sometimes our decisions are not the best thought out plans.

    We've all made decisions knowing right from the start it was a bad decision.

  27. Anonymous10:19:00 PM

    Yes you did say that also, jmmb. My apologies.


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