Saturday, February 27, 2010

Where's the Thanks to the Local LE?

Amidst all the self-indulged pats on the backs, "I did this, and I did that", bull crap I'm reading, and I have even read on another blog that they are taking full credit for finding the missing mother Christine Sheddy. (Liars)

It's the local LE that have been left out of the picture, not only left out, they are now taking heat for not doing their job. Whaaaaat?

Many, many cases of this nature go unsolved or take many years to solve. I think our local LE deserves a grand salute.

I do not know who 'personally' found the missing piece of the puzzle that pointed them to the remains of Christine Sheddy but I can almost gar-dang-t-ya it was the effort of ALL the local agencies unitized as a whole.

I can say from my own personal experience that the office of the SA (Joel Todd) has the Sheddy family's feelings at heart. I commend him for that as everyone else should also.

To all the local authorities that are and have been involved in the case of missing Christine Sheddy I personally thank each and every one of you for your tireless work on this very controversial case.

For those that think that this case was solved in "ten days" because another LE agency stepped in, GET A BRAIN!! they caught a break and someone talked, it just happened to be at this time.

Pocomoke City police, WCBI, Maryland State police, and the office of the States Attorney, you deserve more than is being put out there about you and I hope you will get the praise you have earned.

From PPE, I Thank You.

PS: Mr Todd, you are a very morally guided person in the efforts you took to protect the family. A special Thanks should go to you.

NOW!! Lets hope the process of putting the creeps that were involved in this, and those that withheld information are put behind bars for a very long time is quick. Hopefully they get the needle to end their miserable life.

I pray that now the healing can begin for the Sheddy family.

Mean'ol Me


  1. Anonymous9:21:00 PM

    By "heeling" do you mean stomping, as the heel is part of the foot? There has been far too much of that already on this site.

  2. Clara Mae9:40:00 AM

    Amen , Mean ole Me!

    The important thing now is putting those involved behind bars and support for LE and the SA's office to do just that is what is needed now.

    Except for the bad guys, there isn't anyone (or shouldn't be anyone)who doesn't want to see that happen.

  3. Anonymous1:02:00 PM

    It probably burned the family up to no end to see WCBI on the initial remains found press release.
    I don't expect to see a thank you, PPE. It's kind of late now anyway as this is "old" news and the press have moved on.

  4. Anonymous1:48:00 PM

    It may be old news to you 1:02 but for those of us who have been agonizing along with this family it is far from 'old news'. In fact, until Christine is laid to rest and someone is charged, tried and convicted (and all of the details about who dropped the ball and who didn't are revealed) it is NOT over. You 'boys-in-uniform apologists are simply disgusting. There is good and bad in every LE, FF, or civil service agency in every little po-dunk town across this great country. The good thing is that most of us are capable of extracting fact from fiction and making informed decisions based upon our capacity for abstract thought and critical thinking. I know, I know - look it up.

  5. 1:48, maybe you need to "look it up"

    "apologist"? there's no apologies in this post. If you think I will let this thread get muddied up you're sadly mistaken.

    It's a simple Thank you to those that did there job and did well. They deserve it.

    If you have info that proves who the "bad" in every little po-dunk town across this great country" IS... send it to me, we'll be glad to hash it out. In another post.


  6. Anonymous4:04:00 PM

    Oh Shannon Shut Up. It's not the fault of these people that you fall on your face every time like the ethics complaint you filed in FL and now with this case your "investigation" couldn't have been more off if you had tried. Now to add insult to injury Henedy's snaked his way in as the official family spokeperson. Give it up!

  7. Anonymous10:21:00 AM

    I've read somewhere PPE, that jr is in jail in another state. I don't know for how long though.

  8. Clara Mae10:26:00 AM

    Wow, this post was about thanking LE for finding Christine.

    Up comes a hide in the dark cruiser Anon 1:48, and the trashing begins.

    1:48 it's obvious from your name calling of little po-dunk town that you are not local. Why don't you crawl back under whatever rock you came from and leave the po-dunk town to the po-dunks.

    You have no proof of anything you just keep throwing out your same old line. Guess you've bought into the local conspiracy theory. It's halarious so have fun!

  9. Clara Mae10:42:00 AM

    This is a perfect example of the untruths that have been put out by the family spokesperson's team.

    Mr. Jackson is in Pocomoke free as a bird cruising the isles of Walmart with his love, Tia with a big ole smile on his face.

    Looks like WBOC got dupped by the "team" and reported that Mr. Jackson is in jail in TN convicted of arson. NOT!

    So "team" what gives? Can you clear this one up or are we going to hear a bunch of name calling and trashing to diviate from this subject?

    Christine's family better give up on the "team" they obviously don't know what they are talking about and have put one of the local TV stations into hot water for giving a false report.

    Armchair investigators for sure. FYI "team" Mr. Jackson has been in Pocomoke for over a week. Wonder if the State Police gave him a ride home when they flew down to TN to talk to him in jail?

    As we all hang on your every word "team" we wll anxiously await your explanation.

    The media will never listen to anything that the family spokesperson's team has to say ever again. They don't like it when they are given false information. Guess there goes the swarming of the national media.

  10. Anonymous11:10:00 AM

    clara, I think he's been in Pocomoke alot longer that just over a week.

  11. Anonymous11:35:00 AM

    I'm fairly certain I saw him awhile ago and just figured he posted bail.

  12. Anonymous12:04:00 PM

    Anon 11:10, I think that you are absolutely right.

    I bet at this moment the local mews media is scrambling to correct the misinformation that has been reported.

  13. Anonymous12:16:00 PM

    I'm sure they are anon 12:04, after all "words have consequences" especially to the media when given inaccurate information.

  14. Anonymous12:20:00 PM

    This wouldn't be the first time WBOC shot from the hip and didn't confirm information they report, and have gotten it wrong.

  15. Anonymous3:23:00 PM

    Anon 1:48 writes************** "most of us are capable of extracting fact from fiction"
    You're right and alot of knew pretty soon into Blink's chapters that all was fiction.

  16. Anonymous9:37:00 AM

    So that's why Tia's myspace says enjoying time with jr.

  17. Anonymous11:59:00 AM

    Can everyone hear it?........


    No yickty yacking going on from the "team". Oh my! LOL

  18. Anonymous12:26:00 PM

    I wonder if the bullshitter extraordinaire knows the other one is out of custody?
    You know, the other name she likes to toss around claiming she has some inside information?

  19. Anonymous9:39:00 PM

    The other one out of custody too! Amazing. Looks like Blink's scoops have been scooped.

    She's probably still trying to find out if JR is in Pocomoke.

    Eyewitness accounts have confirmed that YES Blink, he is in Pocomoke.

  20. Anonymous1:52:00 PM

    So funny.....Shannon's over on her site, jumping up and down, stomping her feet, pounding her fists, bellowing to whoever will listen,
    ***********************BUT THERE WAS A PARTY AT THE FARM ON THE NIGHT OF NOV 12, I HAVE PROOF, I HAVE INSIDE SOURCES,********* blah blah blah.
    Bye Bye Blink!!!!!!!!!!!


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