Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blink of (BOC) Finds Missing Mother Christine Sheddy and her Murderer

Well at least she says she did.

It's truly amazing, or is it astonishment? that Blink (Shannon Stoy/Moser/Poser) has accepted complete and total credit for the finding of the missing mother of three Christine Sheddy that vanished from a Byrd Rd farm just outside Pocomoke City over two years ago .

While we have recently had our differences the Pocomoke Tattler has from the very beginning worked with the missing Christine's mother and family and consistently published articles and updates about Christine . Now here comes this "B" Blink and is taking 100% credit for solving this case when in fact Blink and team did nothing but hamper the case from her very inception.

We saw this right away, sadly others are not as backwoods swavy as us "inbreeds" and they accused us of this very occurrence.

This Blink on Crime article speaks for itself folks, check it out and be sure to read the comments if you can make it through all the back patting. This Post is "B's" most recent Also notice that the great "B" had to steal pictures from the website.

That site nor it's so called "team of experts" had anything to do with finding Christine. It was those that stayed up all night making phone calls, posting on the internet, it was relentless family and LE officers that would not give up, the same people that has been slammed by BOC.

I hope this is a wake-up call to those who have so blindly worshiped that "B"

I hate to say I told ya so... but...................


  1. You can't be serious??? Where does Blink take total credit?? All she did was to bring it back to everyone's attention again and did some digging that you folks don't want to do because it might taint a "few" in your community!!! WOW! I say you all should get a life and take a moment to be thankful it wasn't one of your loved ones that this happened to....
    I see from your various articles and the amount of comments associated with them that this site is almost dead. Thank god !!!

    Why when JR set numerous fires in your fine community nothing was done?? but he goes to the state of TN he is put in jail after setting a fricking shower curtain on fire (that puts itself out) is he finally charged with arson???? Hmmm???
    And then some authorities with some balls finally go to TN and with in a few days they find her body?? What a KAWINNKY DINK hu??? I think the Tattler, Christine's MOTHER and family and Blink should all be VERY proud of not bowing to the consistent battering of this site and the folks in authority in your community that ya'll hold up so high!!!
    It is a 50 50 feeling I have as I am glad this family is finally able to bring their beautiful girl home I wish it would have turned out differently (even though many of us knew it never would and had to keep digging and digging) and then I also am happy that this site and the people that come here and post their garbage have been proven to be disgusting and to be protecting the wrong side. If this was my home town I would be more then upset and would want the garbage thrown out!!!! It is not too late to have people represent your community in a way you will all be proud! There are way TOOOO many good people in Pocomoke for this to be allowed!!!! Take a stand.. The right stand because some people aren't doing you right

  2. Marci
    There is never a day that goes by that I don't appreciate the kind of adult children I have. A day never passes that I do not thank God for what I have been blessed with and I do appreciate the fact that I was able to raise my children to be good examples for others.

    And don't think for a minute that there is no one that is not thankful that Christine has been found and that her family will finally have the closure they truly deserve. You, and others are truly mistaken to think otherwise.

    If you will read the post again you will find the links that PE has provided to back up what is written.

    Jr. was arrested in TN. because he did commit arson. I think it has been said that no one found any of them to be "arsonists" while in Wo. Co.

    Now, if you think the people that come here post garbage that is your opinion. Just know that in life there are two sides to every story........sometimes three, so I have heard. Why waste your time here?

    I so happen to believe in the law enforcement side of this whole story. Alot of people do. And I have no idea of what you are referring to when you state...
    "Take a stand.. The right stand because some people aren't doing you right" (your own words)

  3. JMMB I have tried so hard to see all sides but some of the people on here have been down right cruel and it is folks like YOU that ignore the facts.. How many times did good old JR need to burn stuff down before it would be classified as arson?? The chimney the chicken farms the grounds around the land that scared neighbors to the extent they paid for security people and cameras??? I don't know who you are but I am amazed that you can't see the whole picture... It took very short order for TN to decide that this PERSON was an arsonist.... Why did it take ONE state to determine he was a criminal after MULTIPLE fires set in another state went with out a question??????????????

    If you live in this community don't you ask WHY??????

    And yes why aren't you asking WHY?? Who are you connected to that you aren't disturbed by all this???

    So yes I say TAKE a FRICKING STAND!!! something went wrong some where and justice and went haywire... How can YOU not see that??? This is YOUR community and this is going on... Do you really feel in your HEART this is right???

  4. Marci
    Isn't it best that you continue to believe what you know is true and not worry what others believe? I assure you that no one is ignoring any of the facts. Through the months we have tried to provide the "other" side of the story. Many people tend to believe the story that we have provided and I am one of them.

    Maybe you were not reading Blink when she first started on her "journey" through this story but there were many things that PE and I did not like nor believe. No one has ignored any facts........they have chosen to believe what they wish.

    There IS nothing to ask about the community of Pocomoke UNTIL there is SOLID PROOF that something was not done properly so I don't have to ask any questions.

    And I will tell you once again Jr. is an arsonist (among other things) in TN. My good guess is the the fire marshalls office in Wo. Co. did not consider those fires as being arsons. That's about all I know about that. It is the imagination of some other writers that question the "arson" aspect on the farm.

    You don't need to "assume" or be concerned that I am "connected" to anyone in this. Pocomoke City is my hometown. I have great respect for everyone and everything there. There is NO need to take a stand on anything except for the fact solving crimes takes a great amount of time and patience is often required. Do I think anything went haywire in the investigation?? Nope.

    When this investigation is entirely over and all the facts are out if I need to say anything to anyone I know in law enforecemnt or fire depts.believe me, I will. And they know I will.

    Until that time I think we all need to concentrate on getting the rest of that bunch behind bars so that life for everyone will be alot safer.

  5. Anonymous9:07:00 AM


    Shouldn't you be on topix fighting out the Casey Anthony case?
    Zip it already.

  6. Don't know what Topix is .. I guess I have a life... And at least I post under a name maybe you should do the same and then get one too...

  7. Marci;

    you come here and judge without knowing the truth.

    Read all the OE Nictitate articles and learn the facts. Those are not stories made-up from hearsay by a person 300 miles away, they are 100% eyewitness accounts.

    There are no pictures with fake time stamps claiming that all the vehicles came and went within a certain time frame when in-fact that was over several days.

    There were no eyewitness' to the fires being set like the one in TN. therefore it couldn't be proven. If you think for one second that the Wor. Co. fire marshal didn't investigate those fires shame on you.

    I know it's real hard for the blinkers from thousands of miles away to believe the local truth but look back... PPE was 100% on the money about the whole story, beginning to end.

    The tattler kept Christine in the spotlight from day one, we told the story as hard as it may have been for some to swallow, the comments were harsh but we all didn't let it die.

    Blink? didn't do shit

    OOOOOH yes she did, she threatened to sue me.

  8. oooh, and BTW; notice that the "pox" backfired


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