Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Licensed Private Investigator On Eastern Shore

An Accomack County resident with almost three decades of federal, state and local law enforcement experience has been granted private investigations agency license number 11-6282 by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services.

Atlantic Coast Services, LLC is the newly founded private investigator enterprise on the Eastern Shore. According to a press release, the agency is able to handle a variety of investigations for individuals, businesses and law firms.

Atlantic Coast Services, LLC will also specialize in relocating and reuniting family members and friends as well as financial and property thefts, accidents and injuries. In an interview with Atlantic Coast Services, they say one of their specialties is identity theft investigation.

For more information call (757)287-8442 for visit the website

1 comment:

  1. It is good to know that there are licensed private investigators and licensed private detectives around that can always help people to find out about the truth. That way, justice can be served accordingly.


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