Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Rural Sign Painter

Do you know what "shadders" are?


  1. Anonymous4:07:00 PM

    Pine shats, dried pine needles raked from the forest floor.

  2. Anonymous7:48:00 AM

    Raked a many un.

  3. And what are the "shadders" used for? Mulch?

  4. Anonymous10:03:00 PM

    I just bought some Blue Princess Hollies and a Blue Prince Holly. It says to apply mulch around them. I wonder if I could use pine shadders? I have alot of them laying around.
    I had never heard of shadders either, jmmb.

  5. They were always called pine shats when I was growing up. It wasn't until a few years ago I found out what some people were calling "shadows" were shats. I had never heard them call shadders until I saw the painted sign.

    My dad used shats to put around newly planted shrubs and rose bushes years ago. There was no mulch to buy. I use them in the winter to cover around bushes and flower beds. If I plant seeds in the spring I cover them with pine shats.

    I'm getting ready to plant a new lilac bush this week and I will put shats around that. I use it to mulch my things. They certainly don't blow away.

  6. they also make good warm bedding for animals in the winter, as for example in a dog house


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