Thursday, May 13, 2010

The History Of Pocomoke by Murray James (12)

Formerly New Town. 73 obliging and accomodating, and has made money. He has been sheriff of Worcester county. During 1881, he united in partnership with Edgar Fontaine, who was also in the drug business, thus the two stores became one ; they are now doing business under the firm of Lloyd and Fontaine, and are prospering.

In 1862, Dr. D. J. O. Truitt commenced the apothecary and variety business, in New Town, and has conducted it successfully to the present. In 1862, Dr. Samuel S. Quinn and Albert S. Merrill commenced the drug busi- ness, and continued it until 1864, when they retired. In 1866, Dr. John T. B. McMaster opened a drug store in co-partnership with Ashtchi Milbourn, which firm con- tinued until 1869, when Dr. McMaster sold out his interest in the store to Ashton Milbourn.

In 1869, Ashton Milbourn and William T. Broughton united in the drug business and conducted it until 1873, at which time they sold out their stock in trade to Messrs. Fontaine and Turpin. This firm continued for two years, when Mr. Turpin sold out to Mr. Fontaine. From 1875 to the present, or until Mr. Fontaine united in business with C. C. Lloyd, he has been quite attentive to business; has built up a good trade, and has become a popular merchant.

In i860, William W\ Quinn & Brother opened a general dry goods and grocery store, which they con- ducted until 1873, when they closed out. In 1855, W. S. C. Polk commenced merchandising in New Town, and 74 History of Pocorrwke City, in 1863 he took as a partner his brother, Emerson G.. Polk. This firm continued until 1866, when he sold out his interest in the store to his brother Emerson. From 1S66 until the present Emerson G. Polk has con- ducted a dry goods, clothing, boot and shoe store of quite an extensive character, and keeps on hand a general assortment of first class cloths for gentlemen's wear : and none need fear in going to him for a good article and of getting what they want.

He is polite, obliging and attentive to business. In 1868, Henry King commenced merchandising, in New Town, and conducted the business until 1875, when he closed out. In 1864, John W. Mezick commenced merchandizing,, in New Town, and continued until 1 866, when he retired from business, and removed to the State of Missouri.

In 1863 or '64, the Messrs. Bachrachs were engaged in the sale of goods, in New Town, about one year, after which they settled in Baltimore, where they are still doing business, and have become wealthy.

In 1864, Littleton T. Clarke, Thos. J. Blain and Thos. N. Williams, formed a co-partnership in merchandising in New Town. They kept a first class dry goods and grocery store. They continued in the business unti* 1866, when they closed out.

In 1867, Captain Robert Henry engaged in mercan- tile life in New Town. His store is a first class dry goods and grocery store. Captain Henry not only owns his- Formerly New Town. 75 stock in trade, but three schooners, seven houses and several building lots and two farms.

Some of the houses rank among the finest houses in the town. His entire property may be safely estimated at $30,000. In thus describing his wealth, the reader may be anxious to learn something of the man. Well, as I have known him from his infancy, it will give me pleasure to show him up as a wide-awake, sagacious business man.

Let me say in the first place, however, that he is a man of color, and was raised to work. When but a boy he became a sailor, and was hand before the mast, and after he became his own man he laid up $1,400, the result of his hard labor on board of vessels. After this he joined Ashcraft & Risley in the vessel trade, and here was the mine of wealth which he struck. After some years this partnership dissolved, and since then he has operated by himself. Captain Henry has no education. He can neither read nor write, but although he is without this necessary quali- fication, yet he studies men and business ; and there are but few more shrewd business men than Captain Henry.

He has six children, and he is over 50 years of age. CHAPTER IX. MERCANTILE ASPECT (CONTINUED). In 1 85 1, Mrs. Araminta Hall commenced the millinery and ladies trimming business, which she has conducted 76 History of Pocomoke City, up to the present ; has been very successful in business, and has made money. In 1S30, Mrs. Eliza Merrill established the millinery and ladies trimming business, in New Town, and con- ducted the same for 35 years, and made money.

In 1846, Miss Anna H. Henderson commenced the millinery and ladies trimming business, in New Town. In 1863, she married Mr. William T. Hearn, and after- wards her store was familiarly known as Mrs. Anna Hearn's store. She conducted the business successfully until 1863, in which year she died. In 1855) Miss Amereth J. Trader commenced the mil- linery, notion and ladies trimming business in New Town.

About one year after this she married Mr. Littleton T. Clarke, after which her house of business was known as Mrs. Jane Clarke's store. In 1866 Mr. Clarke died. She continued the business, however, without intermission, and in 1S71 she married Mr. Henry A. DeKay. After this her business com- menced increasing until it has assumed its present proportions as one of the finest millinery, notion and ladies trimming stores on the Eastern Shore.

In 1849, Mrs. Julia Redden commenced the millinery business and conducted the same until 1S61, when she closed out. In 1864, Mrs. Ursula B. Henderson, commenced the millinery, notion and ladies trimming business, in New Town, and has continuous! v conducted the same until

Formerly New Town. 77

the present. Mrs. Henderson is industrious and attentive to her businesss, enterprising and unyielding in her pur- pose to succeed. If these qualifications are a true index to success, she is bound to win. She commenced business on fifty dollars and has increased to such an extent as to warrant the declaration that her house, for the beauty and tasteful arrangement of goods, together with its heavy stock in trade, will com- pare favorably with any house of like character in the cities.

In 1866, Mrs. Ella Foster commenced the milli- nery business, and continued the same for about two years. In 1867, Miss Lizzie Clayville commenced the millinery business and conducted the same about two years and retired. In 1866, Mrs. Mary A. Tipton commenced the milli- nery business aud continued with slight intervals until 1880, when she moved to Philadelphia.

In 1876, Zadock J. Hall and his son, Charles S. Hall, commenced merchandising in Pocomoke City under the firm of C. S. Hall & Co, ; this partnership business lasted two years, when Zadok J. Hall sold out his interest in the store to Richard Hall another son of his. This firm is now doing business under the name of C. S. Hall & Brother, two enterprising young men, who without an accident will succeed. A word here in reference to Zadok J. Hall may be interesting to the reader: He is brother to Major T. Hall and Jerome B. Hall, who have already been noticed in

78 History of Pocomdke City, this history. He was subject to all the privations that marked their earlier years, and was reared under the most discouraging circumstances, without a friend who was able to take him by the hand and promote him, and without education ; yet by dint of perseverance, has made his mark in the world as well as his brothers.

He has attained a competency and lives retired from the whirl of business life, taking delight in the improvement and cul- tivation of his little farm. Mr. Hall is also a member of the Baptist Church, in Pocomoke City. He has four children, and he is fifty-two years old. In I878, Herbert H. King and William Sidney Dryden formed a partnership, under the title of H. H. King & Co., in a first-class dry goods and grocery store, in Pocomoke City. This firm is doing a safe business, enterprising and polite, they must win.

Mr. Dryden, one of this firm, has been engaged in business nearly twenty years, in the City of Baltimore. He left his father's home, a young man, to seek his for- tune with no other help but his own native talent. After being engaged in business for some time in the city, he worked his way up to a clerkship as salsman, in one of the largest wholesale dry-good houses in the city, that of William Devries & Co. In this house he has been engaged without intermission for seventeen years, the last three of which have been partially devoted to the collec- tion of claims for the house. formerly

New Town. 79 This trust, committed by the house to him, shows not ♦only their confidence in his integrity, but also their confi- •dence in his tact and business ability in dealing with men. He has succeeded above many of his chance and has made money. About the year 1869, James W. Payne commenced merchandising, in New Town and continued in business until his death, which occurred in January, 1878. About 1 866, Emerson Melvin commenced the sale of goods, in New Town ; he continued in the business with .great success until he died, which event took place in 1879. His estate was worth $6,000 clear of debt. In the settlement of his estate, the inventory of his personal property was the largest that had ever been entered in the Registers office of Worcester County.

He first commenced on fifty dollars capital. About the year 1865, William H. S. Merrill added clothing and gents' furnishing goods to his stock of boots and shoes, he having engaged in the sale of boots and .shoes several years previous. He sold goods until 1871, when he sold out to Robinson & Matthews, who con- ducted the business for five or six years and then closed -out. In 1S77, A. G. Marshall commenced merchandising, in Pocomoke City ; he conducted the business until the spring of 1881, when he closed out. In 1870, Mrs. Sally Payne commenced the confectionery and candy business, in Pocomoke City, and continues the same to the present.

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