Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Prayers Needed

Update: Courtney is not out of the woods yet and needs your prayers through the difficult time she is having today and all the days after. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

Continuous prayers are needed for Arcadia High School student Courtney Bloxom.

Courtney was critically injured Sunday night in a single vehicle accident. At the present time she is in a coma, has a few broken ribs and needs some assistance with breathing. She seems to be making some progress in her recovery though very slowly and isn't out of the woods just yet.

Please keep Courtney, her family and her many friends in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:08:00 PM

    Pray and pray often for Courtney and her family. Pray works!! 12 yr old Sarah Ann Stoltzfus,
    wounded and not expected to survive, made a remarkable recovery (does not have full vision in her left eye) due to all the prayers offered up for her. She was one of the victims of the Amish school shooting in Nickel Mine, PA.


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