Monday, June 28, 2010

Ehrlich Will Announce Running Mate On Facebook!

Having accomplished his quest to reach 25,000 Facebook fans, Republican gubernatorial candidate Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. now says he will use the social media site for a major announcement this week: His selection of a running mate.

Ehrlich this morning confirmed via a video posted on his Facebook page what Kendel Ehrlich mentioned on their final radio show Saturday. His status update: "Can you guess who it will be? Stay tuned this week right here on facebook to find out who will run with Bob."

As of 1:30 p.m., many of the 58 commenters mention Dr. Ben Carson (who has said he is not interested). One commenter proclaims, "I am available," while others name-drop Republican favorites like party chairwoman Audrey Scott.

The former governor has been an avid Facebook user throughout his campaign, recently using it for a live chat and revealing tidbits now and again to supporters.

Gov. Martin O'Malley also has an active Facebook page with more than 10,000 fans. His latest posting, on Friday, was a link to his most recent attack ad.

Ehrlich says on the video that his lieutenant governor choice will be revealed in a few days. O'Malley is running with his current lieutenant governor, Anthony Brown.

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