Monday, July 26, 2010

Md. Fatality On Personal Watercraft During Storm

If you have ever ventured onto the open spaces of the bay, or any mass of water, you know that sometimes no matter how frequent you check the skies conditions can change in a matter of seconds! There can actually be NO warning. My guess is that this was exactly what happened.

ANNAPOLIS — Officials in Maryland say a 63-year-old man using a personal watercraft died after encountering severe thunderstorms while riding Sunday evening.

Maryland Natural Resources Police said Monday it is investigating the death of Warren Douglas Smith who was riding a personal watercraft one-half mile south of the Bay Bridge in the Chesapeake Bay.

Smith and a friend were trying to get back to land when they encountered the storm, which officials said produced winds estimated at 60 miles per hour, waves five to six feet in height and strong lightning. The storm knocked Smith's friend off his watercraft and when he got back up he saw Smith laying face down in the water. Smith was transported to a hospital where he was pronounced dead.

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