Thursday, September 30, 2010

Arrest Has Been Made In Pocomoke Stabbing

Reported around 1:00 a.m.

*UPDATE* The Worcester County Bureau of Investigation has made an arrest in the stabbing death of a teenager in Pocomoke City.

Authorities say 29-year-old James Ballard murdered 18-year-old Russell Bailey near 9th St. in Pocomoke Wednesday. Ballard is behind bars this morning.


  1. Anonymous2:15:00 AM

    This guy, according to court documents, lives on Bank Street and he has had quite a few charges! In 2004, assault, weapons, violent crime charges, then he's charged again in 2008. Every charge in 2004 was nolle prosequi! What did the witness decide not to testify! Addresses listed were from Bank Street to 9th and guess what they have in common. I know I've seen this guy hanging around across from the school after school lets out. This was gang related. No doubt.

    We need more officers at the schools when children are arriving and leaving the schools.

  2. Anonymous2:17:00 AM

    In 2003 even several charges with armed robbery. Hey is this the guy who held up Duck in several years ago. Wonder if he's been doing it in the last few months too.

  3. Anonymous10:10:00 AM

    2:15, I've experienced in court where the witnesses DO show up and the defendant is still allowed to plead to the lessor offense.
    The sad fact of the matter was the witnesses/victims and the other witnesses were not even given an explanation, nor did the prosecutor even care so much as to introduce themselves to these people.
    The victims who were scheduled to testify went away without even knowing what happened.


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