Saturday, September 4, 2010

Fundraiser Dance for Courtney Bloxom

Here's your chance to continue helping this young lady and her family.

Courtney Bloxom, a local teen and gradute of Arcadia High this past June but never got to attend her graduation. In May she was seriously injured in an auto accident and is still hospitalized and in a coma. While she is making wonderful progress daily more medical attention is needed.

Fundraiser Dance for the benefit of Courtney Bloxom

Moose Lodge in Belle Haven

September 4th, 2010 from 8:00 PM until midnight

Music by Karaoke Brian.

The price of admission is $10 per person.

There will also be a 50/50 raffle, tickets are $1 each, 6 for $5 or $10 for an arm length.

50% of the proceeds will go to Courtney Bloxom and 50% to the winner or the winner can donate the winnings back to Courtney.

Keep the tickets as there will be a door prize drawing throughout the night.

Come out and enjoy the fun and dance your heart out for a good cause.

Prayers are appreciated.

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