Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Letter To The Editor

Sent to Pocomoke Public Eye
September 29, 2010

Dear Pocomoke,

This letter notes concern for changes quietly considered in Pocomoke City. This information, to my knowledge and attendance at 2 recent town meetings, and denied at a community awareness meeting in June, has not been discussed nor input received from city residents, business owners, or the community.

The possible relocation to the opposite end of town, even relocation of the Police Department, is a safety concern. Another concern is will all services be eventually relocated, without public input, toward the new Firehouse? And a substation won’t do; they are usually underfunded, undermanned, and eventually closed. If our government services move from downtown Pocomoke, what will become of this area, the residents who live here and the businesses?

Already, references can be frequently overheard of certain parts of Pocomoke in derogatory terms that will be further encouraged if services relocate south.  We need to do more then simply give a small building to a group like “Save the Youth”.  As I’ve said for several years, we need to do more in this community for our young people.

As I grew up here, I know both the good and the poor choices.  We have to offer more positive choices!
This is troubling for all involved and now the stabbing today, makes this, at times, for our children seem unreal.  My heart goes out to all of those involved and to our community. At the end of last week, as President of the Pocomoke Ministerial Association, I prayerfully requested of our association members that our city enter a time of ‘city wide prayer’. It is time!

What I don't understand is why these crimes aren't discussed with the media. I applaud States’ Attorney Todd for mentioning the one today. Why aren't people being encouraged to talk about this with their children and teens? We need to encourage our children and teens to talk openly about these events and their feelings.

Furthermore, by inviting an open discussion, receiving input from our community, and considering future impact on residents and business owners, especially relocating the Police Department away from the Downtown Business and Historic Districts, our local government would demonstrate consideration for community input.

If our government opened the door for discussion with the community, modeled an open and transparent government, our leaders would not loose this opportunity to demonstrate true ‘change’ in Pocomoke. This is a serious and disappointing concern for a town experiencing a surge in crime of several thefts, B & E’s and now 4 homicides in about 30 days.  As our community is changing, we need to address these times and we need to encourage input from everyone.  This is one battle we can’t afford to lose!

author notes correction of 2 homicides and 2 attempted

Dr. Lynn Duffy, Psy.D., D.Min.(H), LCPC, NCC
and Board Certified Professional Christian Counselor
-a Pocomoke City Resident and Downtown Business Owner


  1. Anonymous9:36:00 PM

    And not just politically orchestrated 'community awareness' meetings by politicians. Let's talk about real issues WITH THE MAYOR like not moving the Police Station!

  2. Anonymous10:27:00 AM

    I'm tending to believe the root of the crime problem is a certain element of societies lack of moral values. I would bet that close to 100% of these criminals have been brought up in one parent households (in which the mother's most likely have committed crimes themselves).

    Most have no father role models if in fact they even know who or where their fathers even are.

    Until society addresses this aspect I don't see anything changing.

  3. Anonymous10:50:00 AM

    There's an outcry going on that this murder is the fault of the city manager, mayor and police chief.
    The blame lies with the person w/the knife in his hand and also (and I'm sure I'll get some critisism) with the victim, and those are the facts, folks!
    The victim in this instance was young, but already hanging out in the streets. Where is his mother??? What's her stance in life??? Next thing you know they will be begging the public for funeral money!!! I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but I'm sick of the blame game. It starts in the home!!! When you hang with fire you are going to get burned.

  4. Anonymous1:02:00 PM

    what was a 27 year old with NUMEROUS FELONY PRIOR CHARGES doing hanging out with a 17/18 year old? Come on people, this is gang related!

  5. Anonymous1:12:00 PM

    The ? is what was a 27 yr old with NUMEROUS FELONY PRIOR CHARGES doing out on the streets? A ? for the states attorneys office, I believe.

  6. Anonymous10:19:00 PM

    really does it matter whether it was 4 homicides or 2 homicides completed and 2 attempted? come on, so the two that were attempted are any differnt? it's still bad anyway you look at it.


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