Sunday, September 5, 2010

Worcester County Sheriff, Who Will You Support?

I have been thinking about who to support for our 'new' sheriff with the upcoming election.




I was leaning toward Overholt as I have known him for a very long time and I really like him, he's a good guy with a lot of experience in law enforcement. There's one problem that arose for me that has disturbed me and sadly has caused me to not support him as our new sheriff.

Joe Albero of SBYNews conducted interviews with the candidates and while watching the interview of Overholt he says;

"The focus of my administration will be... drug related crime, gang related crime, and child sex crimes" 
Well that seamed really great to me and the interview was going well until Overholt said something that completely turned me off and he lost my vote with one simple statement which follows, Overholt went on to say;

"Of course if I have to chose one of those areas which is most serious it's gonna be drug related crimes" 
 WHAT! drug related crime is the "most serious" over a child sex crime? I don't think so Mr Overholt. I hope he will clear that statement up right here on this blog.

 Moving on I don't know anything about Mason except what is posted on his campaign website which really isn't more that the normal political rhetoric.

Then we have Bobby Brittingham another long time officer that has worked for the sheriffs office for almost as long as I can remember. He should know the sheriffs office better than anyone running, he should be more familiar with the officers in the department.

So far with what I have seen, heard, and researched Brittingham has the lead in my book. 

Please review the videos below, good luck to all the candidates.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:28:00 AM

    I'm going with Reggie Mason. One main reason is the endorsements by both the local FOP's. If the local LE agencies and the deputies of the WCSO feel they can work best with Mason, I don't need to hear much more. His Vietnam vet (Marine) status and 40+ years of LE experice is impressive also.


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