Friday, October 29, 2010

Clarification Some Have Been Waiting For..........

Md. Coast Dispatch
Steve Green, Publisher Editor

In last week’s issue, a story was published on the State’s Attorney campaign between Joel Todd and Beau Oglesby.

A small part of the article touched on a Facebook page titled, “Crime Victims to Re-elect Joel Todd.” In the article, Oglesby questioned the site as a campaign tactic for Todd’s re-election bid and alleges Todd solicited comments from crime victims for political gain. Though Todd denied having anything to do with the page, there were questions raised as to why the newspaper did not print who created the page.

In fact, Lynn Dodenhoff, the mother of Christine Sheddy, who was allegedly murdered in Worcester County, started the social network page, and she adamantly confirmed this week.

Todd had nothing to do with its creation or the information contained on it. She said it was her idea to start the page and she continues to monitor it daily.

We regret any confusion.


  1. Anonymous1:50:00 PM

    Quote from the orginal story-

    "In fact, as many as 400 crime victims have come out in support of Todd"

    FOUR HUNDRED CRIME VICTIMS-So not true! Why wasn't Lynn adamantly denying this blantant disregard for what's fair and honest?

    Joel Todd would you please just get it over with and make the deal with the Sheddy defendant so Lynn will go away once and for all?

  2. Anonymous3:03:00 PM

    OMG-SHE'S back???? And it looks like she's trying to help Joel Todd get re-elected. Can't he see this woman wore out her welcome ages ago!!!!!!!


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