Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Did You Get A $10,000.00 Raise Last Year?

This is ususal as according to City of Pocomoke website, “annual salary of the Mayor shall be $7,500.” This was changed, adopted by amendment in 2007, from $2,500.00 and increased to $7,500.00.

Do you know how much our Mayor is paid according to last year's budget and this?

Executive – Mayor $12.050.00

This was in Budget for 2010 and Expenses for 2011 (fiscal) years and didn’t bother to tell anyone or even do a ‘resolution’ to change this pay; just quietly done.

On June 7th, 2010 the budget passed for 2011 without any discussion of an increase.

Then again no one in audience was given a copy of the budget. Come to think of it, does anyone in audience get a copy of the agenda? This is the thing posted on the day of the meeting on the website right? What about the minutes?

This was however stated by our government, recorded and posted in minutes "As employees have retired they have not been replaced. So at this time the City is not looking to have furlough days or lay employees off." By reading Budget for 2011 which started July, a line item is not specifically stated about Councilpersons so no one knows if Councilpersons got a raise in the 2010 fiscal year which started July 2009. And I don't see any changes to Amendments from 2007 on the web site.

But retired employee jobs "were not filled" in 2010? "No one had to (thank God) take a furlough day this year", in a state where furloughs were a plenty, the website states.

but Mayor took a raise last year. This is about a $10,000.00 (yes ten thousand dollar) increase over 2 years (2007-2009) in a time of economic struggles, increased crime and half time showing to meetings because 'running for public office'. Why isnt anyone on Council questioning any of this? Wonder if Councilperson's pay was increased too.

oh town manager received a raise over $1,000.00 this year from 2010 to fiscal year 2011.

Did you get a $10,000.00 dollar increase in your paychecks last year? What about this year? Or even a $1,000.00 dollar increase?

Didn't think so.


  1. Anonymous12:19:00 PM

    PPE I checked the PC budget online and the salary of the mayor ($7500) in the city code. My guess is that the $12050 figure isn't the salary of the mayor itself but the total cost including the mayor's expenses while performing his duties as mayor and certain perks like maybe a cell phone.

  2. Anonymous5:52:00 PM

    This article is just ridiculous. The amount mentioned is the full amount for running the Mayor's office, not his salary.

    The salary is set at $7500 and can not be changed during his term. Any salary increase only takes effect after an election. Salary increases require a vote by the council and do not fully take effect until 3 election cyles have passed.

    If you are going to make accusations, at least do the research to back them up. You owe the Mayor an apology!

  3. Anonymous8:06:00 PM

    Actually, i checked pocomoke's own website and i found info in this. Website listed too. Any one know any thing about expenses? They aren't listed in blocks for salary. Anyone with a brain knows that.

  4. Anonymous8:12:00 PM

    Doesn't take rocket scientist to read Pocomoke's budget on website.

  5. Anonymous10:40:00 PM

    The Mayor owes Pocomoke an apology. He didnt keep promises and council aint making him. They are just like him.

  6. Anonymous11:10:00 AM

    depends on whether we are talking same cellphone he uses as Sheriff or does he have three? one for Sheriff, a second for Mayor and a third for personal? doubtful.

    Now that's something Martin should look into!

  7. Anonymous8:09:00 PM

    Listen folks, here's the real deal. Butler use to hold town meetings sometimes twice a month and McDermott has taken to meeting only once a month. That's a fact. So if you look at $1000.00 a month for that, you can only say one thing, very expensive and wasteful of taxpayers funds.

    also if the additional $5,000.00 above the 7,500 is cellphone, city better look into a better plan.

    that is funds that could go to a nonprofit in a time of great need.

  8. Anonymous7:15:00 PM

    Let's not forget that he is gettin 85k a year to write tickets now full benefits from both of his jobs for he and his family, plus a mayors car, and all of his gas for city biz.

  9. Anonymous10:22:00 PM

    my, oh my, add more than 10k for benefits, about 10k+ for gas, and guess about a minimum of 2k for cellphone. didn't think he got a car, but heard rumor a local car dealership 'gave' him a good deal, or a car. no mathematician-
    =$120,000.00 minimum

    darn good pay.
    does he have a college degree?


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