Thursday, October 14, 2010

Learn How To Be A Ghost Hunter

SNOW HILL -- Have you ever seen ghost hunting shows on TV and wondered how it is done, or if it is even real? Now is your chance to find out. From 7-11 p.m. on the night of Oct. 30, come explore the grounds of Furnace Town Living Heritage Museum with the Peninsula Ghost Hunters Society. Participants are welcome to bring their own camera and encouraged to bring a flashlight.

The Ghost Hunters will explain the basics of what to look and listen for when trying to find evidence of the paranormal. Then, join them for a real investigation of the grounds of Furnace Town.

Space is limited and advance registration and payment is required. The cost of this program is $20, with the proceeds benefitting Furnace Town and the Peninsula Ghost Hunters. The program is intended for mature audiences; participants must be 18 years old or older. Please call 410-632-2032 to make reservations.

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