Friday, October 29, 2010

The Politics Just Keep Getting Stranger in Pocomoke

Okay, here we go again, Schoolfield owns a business and he now has listed his home address! Which is illegal and is not zoned a business district! The facts have been checked with city hall, too and he doesn't have a business license either!
Jae's Electric Service.

Boy they got it all wrong! Mr. Schoolfield is an associate minister and NOT "THE" minister at Georgetown Baptist Church, just ask Rev. Fletcher.
And....his 'troubles' were not several years ago....Mr. Jimmy Schoolfield is being sued by none other then, okay, here is where it gets very interesting as he's an electrician, owning his own business, which he has not acknowledged in news articles: Jae's Electric Service.

In Wicomico District Court, Charles Harris, Delmar, Maryland filed against Jimmy Schoolfield just a few weeks ago for four thousand dollars, and guess who Charles Harris is!

Charles Harris, IBEW Local 1307, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.....could Mr. Schoolfield belong to the IBEW since it's a union??

Schoolfield HASN'T overcome anything. He's got the Worcester County Times fooled. He can be found anyday of the week placing bets on the horses in Downtown Pocomoke City. He was there the very day the paper was published.

Hat Tip; MsFactchecker


  1. Anonymous10:30:00 PM

    Definitely not read in the papers. They seem like they are biased and not presenting all the facts.

  2. Anonymous10:51:00 PM

    Man, MsFactchecker definitely has it all over the Worcester County Times.

    They could take a 'tip' from her!

  3. Anonymous2:40:00 PM

    The funniest is the Daily Times endorsement of Jimmy Schoolfield. I am literally laughing out loud. I don't think I'll ever take those newspapers seriously again.
    What clown is running that show over at those papers? It's got to be a joke. They can't be serious can they?

  4. Anonymous6:57:00 PM

    I wrote in for Bobby Cowger!
    Jimmy and his boy are always in trouble, and I can't believe it has taken this long to figure it out, although I am certainly glad that you did.
    Jimmy is Honnis' replacement.

  5. Anonymous7:52:00 PM

    Ta; that boy barely graduated and if memory serves he was in alot of trouble and given choice of military or prison by judge when a juvenile.

    Give him time' heard he's been on verge of breaking few times lately that rather then hit someone who'd press charges again he hit a wall.

    Oh man, that must have hurt that hand!

  6. Anonymous7:55:00 PM

    Haven't purchased Daily Times or picked up a Worcester County Times in more than a year.

    Now I know I won't.

    An eighth grader could connect the dots on this one.

    Pocomoke Middle School kids are brighter than that.

    Doesn't Lee now get it - any candidate he puts up will no longer win - we're on to his GAME -that we want him OUT of Pocomoke politics.


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