Monday, October 11, 2010

Things A Camera Man Must Endure To Get A Story

During the driver's meeting at the Gumboro Mudbog on Saturday the drivers were all told to be sure to smile! HUH? Smile? Here's why, in case you did not know.

The gentleman walking around with the camera was Chuck Regner from WBOC TV. Chuck is working with Mike Parker on the serious 'Outdoors Delmarva'. The video he shot will be used in an upcoming episode which will air on WBOC sometime later this month or first of November.

I had pity on Chuck. No one thought to get him a cart to ride in and he walked all day long trying to get all the high points of the day. And believe me, on this particular Saturday, there was alot to see!

Later in the day he did manage to get a ride...........Through 200 feet of thick, gooey, stinky MUD in BIG RED!! Keep in mind that during the races on Saturday there was an overturn by the famous 'Bogg Hogg' and another mud truck that could not stop and ended in the field waaaayyyy down track. So you can't blame him if he was a little hesitant. Watch this video:

This ride should have taken him back to just about where he started. Here's what happened to Chuck..........and BIG RED!! Now even I know that with drive shaft problems you're not going to get anywhere.
That didn't seem to stop Chuck....................
He just got out of the truck, camera by his side, and took off walking.................
.....destination unknown. I never saw him after this photo. I do hope that he was able to keep his wits about him during his ride enough to video what it looks like going through the mud!

Mudbogging is not easy! Being a mudbogger cameraman can't be either.

Thanks Chuck for being there for the drivers and thanks for being a good sport. All of us look forward to seeing what you managed to video.

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