Sunday, January 2, 2011

Beau Oglesby To Be Sworn In Tomorrow

On Monday, January 3, 2011 Beau Oglesby will formally take the Oath of Office as Worcester County State's Attorney.

11:00 AM until 2 PM
Worcester County Courthouse - Courtroom 1
One West Market Street
Snow Hill, Maryland

Beau is looking forward to seeing and thanking the many friends, family, and supporters who helped make this momentous day possible.


  1. Anonymous7:03:00 AM

    Congratulations Beau!

  2. Anonymous3:04:00 PM

    So it looks like Mike Farlow's has once again a job. It doesn't come as any surprise to anyone (except for Lynn Dodenhoff maybe) since he's been "helping" out the Wicomico States Attorney since last summer from what I hear.

  3. Anonymous10:11:00 PM

    Mike Farlow doesnt have a job. He just got fired right before Christmas. Yes, he has been HELPING. But he is still umemployed. Maybe you should get your facts straight before shooting your mouth off on a subject you know nothing about.

  4. Whoa!! No one is shooting their mouth off here. It was reported in the Daily Times on line earlier this afternoon that Farlow had been sworn in as an assistant in Wicomico County. Later this afternoon the article was removed and another, with the correct names, in its place.

    Besides, how can anyone be sure that Farlow does not have a one seemed to know what was up with Todd either.

    Oglesby has every right to hire and fire anyone he chooses to. It is up to the people of Worcester County to give him a chance.

  5. Anonymous6:45:00 AM

    My facts are straight. Mike Farlow was appointed and sworn in as s special assistant state's attorney in Wicomico. It might not be a full time job, but atleast he's not unemployed.

  6. Anonymous9:53:00 AM

    Jmmb, had experience with Beau. He doesn't return calls from family members fo deceased individuals. He's made promises to our law enforcement and not to families seeking justice.

    Not starting off on a good foot with me.

  7. Anonymous10:59:00 AM

    So what's the story with Mr Farlow? I kind of wish Beau would atleast give him a trial run with the Worcester office. I'm an old dog who doesn't like to see the apple cart tipped too much, all at once.

  8. Anon 9:53 I have to ask you what kind of promises do you need Beau Oglesby to make to families seeking justice? The Worcester County States Attorney's office is to seek justice for all people.

    And have you ever stopped to consider the fact that maybe his office is just plain busy and will be for a while? You must know that yourself.

    Give this man and his office a decent chance. If you don't or won't you aren't really being fair to yourself and keep in mind he doesn't have to return any calls from victim's families. Don't be so quick to judge.

  9. Anon 10:59 This is what todays Daily Times says about Farlow:

    "Additional appointments in Wicomico included Michael Farlow, who was sworn in as a special assistant state's attorney, and Craig Horsman, who was sworn in as an assistant state's attorney, according to court documents. They were appointed to handle a case that was initiated under Ruark's administration, according to Maciarello, and will not be joining the Wicomico staff on a full-time basis."

  10. Anonymous4:20:00 PM

    9:53 I can understand your frustration but wouldn't it be unethical for a states attorney to "buddy up" with those who have pending cases? After all isn't it the job of the states attorney to seek justice? In all fairness to everyone including a defendant the prosecutor should keep a safe distance from all parties involved for the appearance of fairness.


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