Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dr Lynn Duffy Files for Pocomoke Mayor

There is something in the air this weekend - a fresh feeling of warmth and renewal. Heard there is a candidate who filed late Friday - Dr. Lynn Duffy. Go Pocomoke High School Alumni! She has a website, too. I've contacted her and we are awaiting a release. Check her site at:

More on this coming later.


  1. Anonymous5:30:00 PM

    Go for it, Lynn! You go, Girl!

  2. Anonymous9:23:00 PM

    Heard they put a reporter up to calling her this morning asking where she got her figures. LOL If you check her website, it says so at the bottom. Also heard she told them her campaign only wanted to issue a press release at this time. They said they weren't taking it and only trying to interview the candidates running. Heard she told them that they put Morrison's in 2 weeks ago. They tried to say it was an interview and deny it was press release. she told them funny thing is the heading said Morrison files for for election.

    I looked at it, she's right and there are no quotes too which would not make it an interview. LOL They thought she was dumb. That was one good job of a city endorsed press release written for Morrison by Kerbin who no longer works for the paper, retired and only sits in on council meetings to take notes and write an article about it.

    Morrison could not write his own press release? Nope. that's not it. That was a city-endorsed press release for him.

    Who do we want for our mayor, a city owned candidate? HHHHmmmm. Or a candidate who will work us?

    One working for Russ or one who will work for us?

    No brainer.

    I'm gonna tell her to use that.

  3. Anonymous9:28:00 PM

    Yep that is a no brainer. funny too. government thinks can get away with anything. we have had about enough cauze enough is enough. definitely thought they were dealing with a dummy. thats funny. nope.

  4. Anonymous9:31:00 PM

    Kerbin works for the city. Not the paper. Good girl! If they wanted an interview of her Kerbin is here in town. Why not use him to interview her, too? they are funny.

  5. Anonymous9:46:00 PM

    another blog is calling morrison a drunken slob, malloy a pervert and saying duffy is blakes person. they got that wrong. morrison is blakes' man. man that blog will say anything for someone to read it. Heard duffy put him in his place at a downtown business meeting.

  6. Anonymous9:46:00 PM

    another blog is calling morrison a drunken slob, malloy a pervert and saying duffy is blakes person. they got that wrong. morrison is blakes' man. man that blog will say anything for someone to read it. Heard duffy put him in his place at a downtown business meeting.

  7. Anonymous9:47:00 PM

    Look, I think the world of Lynn, think she is the best candidate, would vote for her if I live in city limits, all that stuff, but....couldn't you find a better photo of her?

  8. Anonymous12:10:00 AM

    I think Morrison is Ronnie Taylor's toadie more than Russ Blake's.

  9. Anonymous3:18:00 AM

    Dr. Duffy filed before 5 pm. She showed up with her campaign team and asked how many filed and who they were. City hall better not lie. Too many witnesses.

  10. Anonymous3:21:00 AM

    No he's Blakes' child. Blake tells him what to do and he does it. Even told him to chase after Lippoldt's endorsement and he went right to him at McDermott's last meeting. That's after McDermott bashed Lippoldt publicly and he has done it lots of times.

    Don't forget it was McDermott who let Caine get away with bashing Burke woman at meetings. Even heard Morrison takes after him.


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