Friday, March 4, 2011

Warrants Issued

Is it just ironic?
Action seems to continue since the arrest of the Walmart employee Tia Johnson. Johnson was arrested last week and charged with theft from Walmart that had been ongoing in the store for two years. In her statement she admitted to not charging family and friends for some purchases when they shopped at the store and turning in bogus return receipts for cash.
Warrants were issued on February 25, 2011 and served March 2, 2011 on Byrdie Johnson Gibbs and her husband TimmothyL. both of Fruitland, Md. The couple was charged with five counts of con-theft scheme.
Trial date is 4/22/11.


  1. Anonymous12:06:00 PM

    Tia was convicted of theft in 2002. MD case search Tia Weisenburg.

  2. Anonymous12:30:00 PM

    I get it now. She's made a career out of being a thief.


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