Tuesday, April 12, 2011

PRESS RELEASE- From Mike McDermott

  • 50% Tax Hike on Alcohol
Apr. 12th, 2011

Delegate Mike McDermott Press Release


Delegate Mike McDermott on HB-1213:
“The process surrounding this bill was appalling”

(ANNAPOLIS)—“If we’re going to debate something let it be done fair and impartial and allow the views of the people of this state to be reflected in their citizen legislature. Not those that hide in the back room, making deals around a table deciding what the delegations are going to receive” said Delegate Michael A. McDermott(R-District-38B) on the House floor while discussing HB-1213 on Sine Die.  HB-1213, Sales and Use Tax - Alcoholic Beverages - Supplementary Appropriation, will dramatically increase the sales tax rate on alcoholic beverages by 50 percent.  Many Delegates, including Delegate Mike McDermott, were angered by the process of the floor proceedings when Speaker Michael E. Busch shut down debate for HB-1213 after only a few delegates had spoken.

“The people of Maryland are booing this process. That’s why they put so many freshmen in here: they’re tired of it! They’re tired of this process!  They’re tired of not being heard! They’re tired of you deciding what’s right on a dark night and ramming this through at the eighty-ninth day. They’re tired of you not letting them have a voice in this chamber, where they say ‘You have taxed me enough!’ ” argued Delegate McDermott.

The bill will be particularly tough on border areas like Worcester and Wicomico Counties where prices are cheaper in neighboring states. According to the Fiscal Note on the bill, the increased tax will likley result in job losses and a decrease in overall business for Maryland at a time when our economy continues to suffer.

“The people are weary. They’re weary of your taxes. They’re weary of your intolerance. They’re weary of your opportunity to tyrannically run this house any way you choose” concluded McDermott.
The bill is a sweetheart deal for Baltimore City, Prince Georges County, and Montgomery County who will recieve $27 million of the cut while 8 Eastern Shore Counties will only receive $156,000. HB-1213 passed with a vote of 78-62 in the House.

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