Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wal*Mart Empty Shelves?

I left the polling place tonight and I needed a few things from Wal*Mart so I headed straight to the store. When I arrived nothing looked unusual in fact the parking lot looked a little skinny.

Well now when I went into the store it was a different story, the first clue was that the deli was closed up tight, they even had lights turned off that normally stay on. Then they didn't have the first item that I was shopping for, then the second, third, forth, wait a minuet... where's all the groceries? The customers were complaining and I heard talk of going to Food Lion from more than one couple.

  Wal*Mart was out of everything, it couldn't be the weather and food stamps don't come out until tomorrow. So I don't know what's going on with Wal*Mart today, if they are clearing shelves for taking inventory or what but if you need anything it's likely you'll not find it at Wal*Mart today and that means that they will be PACKED tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:14:00 AM

    Maybe Tia and friends had just left-LOL!


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