Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cause Unknown For The Shaking Last Night

As of this morning the loud BOOM and shake you may have  heard and felt yesterday evening around 7:00 PM still has no explanation.  The same activity that was experienced across the bay was felt here on the Eastern Shore also.

If you felt your home shake around 7:30 Tuesday night, you weren’t alone.

Emergency dispatchers received calls from residents in the North End and near the Oceanfront who reported a shaking sensation. Other areas felt a disturbance, too.

Police investigated but were unable to determine a cause.

The National Weather Service in Wakefield also had no idea what caused it, either.

Mike Rusnak, a meteorologist, said he checked with the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center at Wallops

Island on the Eastern Shore, where there was no activity, and the National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo., reported no seismic activity in the area.

No stormy weather was in the region.

So for now, the phenomenon remains a mystery.


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