Monday, May 2, 2011

The Craziest Things Go Through The Mud

I've seen some of the craziest vehicles  driven through the knee deep thick gooey mud at Gumboro.  And some of those vehicles are actually the transportation to get to Gumboro.  But I've never seen one  of these.

David Elliott of Virginia brought his ARGO to Gumboro on Saturday to test in the  mud.   There is a  2 cylinder Briggs and Stratton motor in this little thing and it  will get you anywhere you want to go.

Even through deep think mud.  Watch this!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:56:00 PM

    Dave Elliott is over 80 years old, not bad for an old guy huh ? He is a good old fella who is a kid at heart. We can only hope to be able to play like he does in this video when we get that old.


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