Sunday, May 1, 2011

Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting


7:30 P.M., MONDAY, MAY 2, 2011

1.                  Call to Order, Prayer, and Pledge of Allegiance.

2.                  Review and approval of minutes from meeting of April 11, 2011.

3.                  Review and approval of bills to be paid.

4.                  Presentation of plaque to former Mayor Michael McDermott in recognition of his six years of service as Mayor of Pocomoke City (2005-2011).

5.                  Authorize Mayor to sign Proclamation for Municipal Clerks Week.

6.                  Public Hearing on proposed 2012 Community Development Block Grant application and update on ongoing CDBG projects

7.                  Res. No. 445 to authorize submission of 2012 CDBG application to State DHCD.

8.                  Discuss letter from Assateague Peoples, Inc.  regarding use of the City tent for 19th   Annual Pow Wow on

May 20-22, 2011.

9.                  Authorize Mayor to sign Memorandum of Agreement between Pocomoke City and VDOT regarding sewer service.

10.              Res. No. 446 to authorize Mayor to sign agreement with Shore Bank for acquisition of property for use as Police Station.

11.              Second Reading of Res. # 443 to amend Charter by deleting Sections C-32 and C-33 regarding voter registration for Municipal elections.

12.              Second Reading of Res.  #444 to amend the Charter by adding language to Section 23A regarding the employment of elected officials.

13.              City Attorney to present revised lease agreement between Pocomoke City and Bloosurf Broadband Co regarding the placement of antennas on City water towers.

14.              Authorize City Manager to request proposals/bids:

a.       Architectural Services for interior modifications for new Police Station.
b.      Electrical Services for new pedestals on docks.
c.       Construction of new restaurant adjacent to Delmarva Discovery Center.

15.              Set date for auction of surplus vehicle and equipment.

Comments from the Audience
Mayor and Council items.


  1. Anonymous4:57:00 PM

    Any body got an idea what resolution 443 or 444 (to amend the Charter) are? This isn't posted here, or on the City website (today if you try doing a search it comes up "no results") and didn't see it in the Worcester County Times.

    What property is being acquisitions for use as police station? Does it mean signing an agreement with Shore Bank means taking a loan for the property?

    So let me get this straight? The city is going to try to start digging to start a new city restaurant when even the BayQueen at Days Inn doesn't appear to have any vehicles there and other restaurant owners will tell you business is down; yet we are possibly taking a loan for a police station?

    Borrowing in this bad economy with gas ever increasing isn't wise.

  2. Anonymous4:59:00 PM

    Truly, how much can the new government spend? Do I dare ask the question everyone is thinking?

    This is quick becoming a runaway freight train.

    Spend, spend, spend.

  3. Anonymous5:09:00 PM

    just tried to search on city web site for resolution 443 or 444 to amend the Charter both on the main page and in section "Charter". Can't find it either. Does any one have an idea what it is? Nice to tell the public.

  4. Anonymous5:46:00 PM

    Who's going to run the restaurant? Barbara and Don? That's a joke. The guy who runs Bay Queen? Even bigger joke. City Council? not even a joke, just a tragedy.

  5. Anonymous8:13:00 PM

    hey they've yet to hold public meetings telling the public about their plans for police station yet they gonna take a loan? in these days?

    Aren't talking about it with tax payers at all.

  6. Anonymous8:31:00 PM

    5:46 may be correct. City owns the property and doesn't the Delmarva Discovery Center 'lease' the property for a dollar? Anyone who tells you the city doesn't own the property is lying.

    Any one can go over and check the county records.

    but if the BayQueen Restaurant owners also own the boat docked by the Delmarva Discovery Center, you can bet plans are already in the works.

    Or, maybe the Mayor will 'lease' the restaurant to his daughter for her 'catering' business.

    Be careful Pocomoke, the 'wanna-be-son-in-law" didn't take off owing zero dollars.

  7. Anonymous8:32:00 PM

    Who said anything about a loan? Doesn't seem likely that they would borrow from a private bank instead of FHA or some other government entity. Maybe Shore Bank has a piece of property that the town wants to buy. That would seem much more likely but I don't remember the Council saying anything about that, either.

  8. Anonymous8:35:00 PM

    What concerns me is the considered Charter changes aren't published.
    Has anyone checked the Worcester County Times? What about discussing plans for a new police station with town folk? What about even borrowing money? No marketing study or business proposal commenced, sounds like a real gamble.

  9. Anonymous8:36:00 PM

    8:32 pm I agree...then they haven't SAID much to the town folks.

  10. Anonymous11:07:00 PM

    The charter changes were discussed at the last meeting and I'm sure would be available if you visited or called city hall. They were minor language changes to fix some old wording.

    Does anyone know where they're putting the new police station? Sounds like its an existing building being renovated, what building?

  11. Anonymous12:59:00 AM

    Is it to be renovated with a loan? Thought they applied for a grant? Did they not get it? So now are they making application with a bank? That's probably the only reason to involve the bank.

  12. Anonymous1:01:00 AM

    I thought any ordinance or a Charter change are suppose to be announced to the public by law.

    Minor change? Still shouldn't these be announced like ordinances in the paper to give the public notice.

    Have the rules changed? Or are they meaningless to some?

  13. Anonymous1:02:00 AM

    Reading that agenda is giving me heartburn. Just spend, spend, spend.


    See the above article for information on the resolutions that will make minor changes to the city charter. These were both discussed at the last meeting. There is no big mystery here.

    There are also some comments from the Mayor, City Manager and Police Chief regarding the need for a new police station.

    Councilman Clarke

  15. Anonymous7:32:00 AM

    I'm sure I know what building they are talking about. Excellent move on the mayor and council. I also know what the asking price was on the building and know you couldn't build a building that size for that price anymore.

  16. Anonymous7:50:00 AM

    8:32, what's a FHA loan? I thought FHA was just an insurer of loans. I don't think they actually loan money.

  17. Anonymous10:29:00 AM

    You all got them!

    So it seems Shore Bank is going to lend the money to pay for the loan the City is considering taking out to pay for Greg Butler's building for whom Laura Morrison works.

    and they never asked the towns folks or even discussed this with the public.

  18. Anonymous10:52:00 AM

    Why should they have discussed this with the public 10:29? It never ever makes good sense to make real estate deals public knowledge.

  19. Anonymous10:56:00 AM

    Real Estate lesson 101, 10:29. Making real estate deals public is NEVER a good idea. It just opens the door for a real estate flipper to come in, purchase it and then reselling it to another intested party for more money.

  20. Anonymous10:07:00 PM

    10:56pm secrecy of government 101

    Dont tell anyone what you are doing.

    It may be illegal.

  21. Anonymous10:23:00 PM

    Their way or the highway.

  22. Anonymous11:33:00 PM

    What impact study was done to see what would happen to downtown community?

    When most crimes happen from 9th street and north, what good does it do to move the police station out from that community?


  23. Anonymous11:38:00 PM

    Thats true. Heres a good idea. Why not move the police station to the current location of city hall?

    Next move city hall to the unused part of the separated community center?

    Its a win - win. No need of a loan. Fire department could get what they desire. Part of their electric paid for.

    ~signed High IQ

  24. Anon(s) It's so very hard to tell if there is a majority of unhappy people posting or just one, perhaps two. If this is still so unsettling to you (or all of you) why didn't you ask questions at the meeting?

    Never "assume" anything. You may be listening to what is going on at those meeting but not understanding. What I never understood is what difference does it make where a police station is. Most of the officers are out patroling and if you go to the station you can't get in unless they let you in. That's a good thing. Crime is going to be wherever the criminal wants it to be.

  25. Anonymous12:07:00 AM

    jmmb you dont get it.

    you can ask anything.

    alot of people no longer bother.

    only 'friends' get help here.

  26. Anonymous8:01:00 AM

    Why shouldn't the fire department get part of their electric bill paid (something I didn't know but I hope it's true) for by the city? The fire department does the city a great service. By it being volunteer it saves the city therefore the tax payers alot of money.
    I would think someone who claims to have a "High IQ" would know better than to say something so foolish.


All comments are the sole responsibility of the poster