Thursday, May 5, 2011

Reports Of Shots Fired Unfounded

POCOMOKE CITY — After receiving an anonymous 911 call on May 1 reporting shots fired in the area of Moore Street, Pocomoke City police have listed the incident as unfounded.

Police say they found no evidence of shots being fired after responding to the area around 10 p.m. Finding the call unfounded means police do not have any evidence or a potential suspect description to pursue the possibility someone was firing a gun in the downtown area.

Two officers who responded to the area almost immediately spoke to a few people on the street who were unable to give any significant information, according to police.

Source;|newswell|text|Worcester County Times|s


  1. Anonymous3:05:00 PM

    Thanks to the Brady bill all they have to do is see who in Pocomoke has purchased a firearm. They are ALL registered, aren't they?

  2. Anonymous12:24:00 AM

    I heard the "shots" too that night. I wasn't sure if they were gunshots, as they were spaced out fairly well, but they were certainly loud and did come from the direction of the area reported. Could have been firecrackers? Either way, SOMETHING did happen.

  3. there were shots fired last night also... one right after the other about 8 of them. this was in the Laurel st area. the police were at 4th and Laurel when it happened and said that didn't see or hear anything. It sounded to me like they came from the Laurel 2nd st area


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