Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"Short and Sassy" Finishes In First Place

"Short and Sassy" finished in first place on Saturday April 30, 2011 on opening day of the Gumboro Mudbog.
This year the truck has a new 454 engine built by Roger Evans ("Odie's Garage") and fine tuned, I guess you could say, by Donald "Pencil Me In" Bowden. 

"Short and Sassy" won first place in the SMALL TIRE SUPER STOCK class with a 12.023.  Because of the conditions of the pits that's pretty good.

Due to camera difficulties I wasn't able to record the first and winning race but here is the video  of the second race.  Timing was unavailable.   


  1. Anonymous12:23:00 PM

    "Pencil Me In"? Is there a story here somewhere?

  2. It's the nickname given to our mechanic during the last banquet. With 5 trucks to be in charge of they thought it necessary to present Donald with a tablet and pen so he could keep track of what he had to do. The name just stuck.


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