Monday, June 20, 2011

~Clever Inventions~

Things that make you go hmmmm...........OR "why didn't I think of that!"

This gizmo is for the purpose of saving the lives of frogs, toads, lizards, etc. that may get sucked into the skimmer in your swimming pool. You don't  have to pull their lifeless bodies out with your bare hands.  And since these small creatures have no GPS tracking devices it gives them a moment to rest and realise they made the wrong turn. 

So far it works!!


  1. Anonymous1:45:00 PM

    Do they actually expect people to pay real money for this thing?

  2. They sure do! I think it's a clever way to avoid dumping dead bodies of lizards and frogs from the basket. If you have a ground level swimming pool you must know what I am referring to.......but maybe not.

  3. Anonymous9:09:00 PM

    I would rather pull out a dead frog than a live one. The live ones always pee all over my hand.


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