Saturday, June 18, 2011

'The Rest Is History'..........

From: Between The Lines
June 17, 2011
Written By: Publisher/ Editor, Steven Green

Although he would most likely never admit it publicly, Worcester County State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby must have been feeling tremendous vindication in the moments after the jury returned a first-degree murder conviction in the death of Christine Sheddy.

To understand why, we must look back at last election season when then-State’s Attorney Joel Todd illustrated in campaign materials how a number of crime victims were backing him for re-election. One of those crime victims quoted in the campaign ads was Sheddy’s mother, Lynn Dodenhoff. When Oglesby questioned crime victims being used as political leverage, the proverbial you know what hit the fan.

Oglesby’s pointed comments set off a firestorm among the local blogs and on a Facebook page slamming both Oglesby and this newspaper. Over the course of that October weekend, dozens of phone messages, nasty emails, ridiculous threats and Facebook posts addressed the matter. Hysteria was how I described it back then. Many comments criticized Oglesby and his so-called inexperience and how Todd was the better man to prosecute the case and bring justice to those who harmed Sheddy.

The rest is history, as Oglesby prevailed in another nail biter and is the current top prosecutor in Worcester. Although many were concerned how Oglesby would handle a major murder trial, he proved this week he can not only handle the pressure but also overcome it. The jury returned a first-degree murder conviction on Justin Hadel in Sheddy’s death. What else could anyone ask for?

Nonetheless, Oglesby was still being ripped in the bizarre local blog world. Oddly enough, Todd came to his successor’s defense with a statement.

“This week, the Worcester County State’s Attorney successfully prosecuted Justin Hadel for 1st Degree Murder. Despite that, negative remarks have been posted about him,” Todd said. “Let me be clear, this post is neither a condemnation nor an endorsement of the current state’s attorney. Nevertheless, to those who supported me who may be making attacks against the incumbent because they’re hoping to make him vulnerable for my return at the next election, let me be perfectly clear: I have no intention of running for state’s attorney again. … The personal attacks that have been made against him are ill-advised. Give him a chance to do his job. If you are not pleased with his job, then you may get actively involved in the next election and exercise your right to vote for the candidate of your choice.”


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