Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Teen Still Missing

UPDATE: As of earlier this evening- Kirsten is home and is safe.

This teen was thought to have been in Ocean City a couple of weeks ago.  She's still missing.


  1. Anonymous7:48:00 PM

    She was gone over a month. Where was she does anyone know?

  2. I went looking for information about what happened but couldn't find anything, where was she, what happened?

  3. All I can tell you is that she returned home maybe a day or two after this post of 7/13.

    A facebook page was set up in her name and so many of this girls close friends posted flyers for days! The Baltimore Chapter of the Guardian Angels searched for her (as they do with most missing cases). I got the feeling there was some kind of 'tiff' between this girls family and once that was cleared the girl was reported as being home safe and sound.

    I have searched and searched for info on her being home but can find nothing except she is still missing. Here's the odd part.....The fb page set up in her name has been DELETED! Twitter- DELETED! There are NO news reports saying she is home- that I can find. I got my info from fb which is now gone so if you find anything let me know.


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