Tuesday, August 16, 2011

~2011 Blessing of the Combines~

Celebrating Worcester County's Agricultural Heritage
13th Annual

What a way to honor the farmers of Worcester County!

My husband has been a volunteer for the past few years and I had never attended- even after living in Worcester County just about all my life.  This event is one that everyone should see.

Some photos of the parade..........
Have you ever power washed a combine?  Well, these farmers do before they enter them into the parade!
According to a Worcester County Farmer, Virgil Shockley, some combines are 14 feet long and can weigh (when loaded) up to 35,000 pounds!

 Combine-Byron Hauck

State's Attorney Beau Oglesby
Combine - Virgil Shockley

Combine- Fred Holloway

Congressman Andy Harris
Combine-Clayville Farms

Senator Jim Mathias
Combine-Roger Richardson Farms

Watson Powell
Combine-Powell Farms
Combine- David Shockley
Indian Town Farms

LOTS of hard work goes into planning for this wonderful day and I don't remember when I have ever seen so many happy people and excited children!

Combine- William Figgs
"It's great for the kids, because they see the combines out in the field when driving by and this way they get up close and personal with them."
(Farmer Virgil Shockley)

So many vendors!
Lots of great food available.

Ahhh..... A cooling station.
Warm temperatures with low humidity on this day
so the cooling station wasn't in high demand.
I never knew so many beatiful items could be made
with duct tape!  This young lady and her friends
did a wonderful job with their creations.

Activities for every child and even a petting zoo!
These little furry animals really got the attention from big
and little kids.
Even though the Blessing of the Combines
has celebrated its 13th year the hard work
that goes into making this day a success
is with the helping hands of the many volunteers.
This is just two of the many volunteers.
What a wonderful way to celebrate and  receive a true appreciation for the farmers of Worcester County AND
 all farmers across America.  Even with todays modern equipment their job is not easy.

Just think.......... to enjoy all of this you don't even have to like your vegetables.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:41:00 PM

    Nice pictures! I've never been to this but you have convinced me to go next year.


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