Sunday, August 14, 2011

Obama: "Islam Has Always Been Part Of Our American Family"

This is a disgrace for the U.S. and an insult to all those, and their families that were lost on 9-11.

At the Iftar dinner, a White House sponsored Ramadan event, President Obama says "Islam has always been part of our American family." Obama also says "this has been especially true over the past 10 years," referring to the attacks on September 11, 2001. Here's what he said:
"This evening reminds us of both the timeless teachings of a great religion and the enduring strengths of a great nation. Like so many faiths, Islam has always been part of our American family, and Muslim Americans have long contributed to the strength and character of our country, in all walks of life. This has been especially true over the past 10 years."

"In one month, we will mark the 10th anniversary of those awful attacks that brought so much pain to our hearts. It will be a time to honor all those that we’ve lost, the families who carry on their legacy, the heroes who rushed to help that day and all who have served to keep us safe during a difficult decade. And tonight, it’s worth remembering that these Americans were of many faiths and backgrounds, including proud and patriotic Muslim Americans."


  1. Anonymous5:07:00 PM

    Iftar dinner? Since when has a United States president celebrated an Iftar dinner? And this clown claims to be a Christian? There is a HUGE disconnect between what he says and what he actually does. And to think there are people in Worcester County who actually voted for him. That says a lot about the level of education in our public schools.

  2. Anonymous5:41:00 PM

    I suppose I should apologize for calling the President a clown. That was a cheap insult to all the clowns in the world.

  3. Anonymous6:35:00 PM

    "Islam has always been part of our American Family" ALWAYS? REALLY?

    I must have missed that part of the history lesson. I didn't know some Native Americans here since prehistoric times nor any of the European colonists who followed Columbus to the US were of the Muslim faith. Stupid me!


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