Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pocomoke Receives Housing Funds

Written by
Bill Kerbin
POCOMOKE CITY -- At their last meeting, the mayor and council learned the city has received $250,000 in funding for housing rehabilitation from the state Department of Housing and Community Development.

The funding will be used for deferred loans for owner-occupied homes and loans with 2 percent interest rates for landlords.

If the homeowners stay in their homes for five years (up to $10,000 loan), 10 years ($10,000-$20,000 loan) or 15 years ($20,000-$25,000 loan) the loans are forgiven.

City Manager Russell W. Blake said the program was started in 1976. The town has run out of funds and now has a waiting list for loans.

Police department improvements

After seeing plans for improvements at the new police headquarters, the council approved them. The new location will be on Market Street near the firehouse. Blake said bids for construction should be available at the next meeting, with construction completed in February or March.

The police department is presently housed in the former armory on Second Street.

Ambulance report

Although there was an increase in ambulance calls in Pocomoke City and lower Worcester County over the previous year, there was a significant decrease in calls to locations in Somerset County -- from 111 to 70 calls. Mike Thornton, the director of the ambulance company, said rescue companies in Somerset County had decided to increase their areas of coverage.

The council approved the purchase of two power life stretchers at a cost of $7,860 each. This will help ambulance personnel in lifting patients.

Golf course funds

The council authorized the city manager to apply for funding under the state Community Park and Playground program. Specific areas to be addressed in the application will be paving two cart paths on the Winter Quarters Golf Course, the construction of a new maintenance shop at the golf course and installation of heating and air conditioning at the log cabin. The total amount to be requested will be about $100,000.

The council also authorized an $8,700 loan from John Deere for the purchase of an aerator for the golf course.



  1. Anonymous12:09:00 AM

    Reviewing plans wasn't even on the agenda. The agenda offers this only - authorize requests for bids for the Police Department building improvements at 1400 Market Street.

    No public notice again.

  2. 12:09 am
    Common sense would tell me that if they were going to authorize requests for bids on the police station they would review the plans also on the same night.

    Sometimes the agenda doesn't spell it all out.

    Stop finding fault where there is none. Is that all that kept you from the meeting?

  3. Anonymous4:35:00 PM

    I'm thrilled to hear of the $250,000 PC has received for housing rehabilitation.
    Good Job, Mayor and Council! :)

  4. Anonymous5:40:00 PM

    So I can get a $10,000 loan to fix up my house, live there for five more years and the loan just goes away?

  5. Anonymous11:40:00 PM

    12:57 would be nice if they published on agenda what action they were going to take. You don't need to defend them. How do you know I wasn't there?

  6. Just seems common sense to me that if they discuss they discuss the bids they would discuss the plans. Just makes sense that all of it would be included.

    Doesn't matter to me if you attended the meeting or not. I just don't understand why you didn't ask them while you were there.

  7. Anonymous1:04:00 AM

    When citizens are told this will be discussed maybe more would show up. Are they doing it on purpose? Why not? You would think they'd want to 'sell' it to the community instead treating us like we're a bunch of dummies.

  8. Anonymous10:07:00 AM

    WAKE UP, Anon 1:04AM!

    "Fr9. Authorize requests for bids:

    a. Police Department building improvements at 1400 Market Street."

    What you are griping about WAS CLEARLY posted on the city's website as something to be discussed at the meeting. I guess you missed it but I sure didn't!

  9. Printed boldly at the bottom of every council agenda posted is this:



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