Monday, August 8, 2011

Rise of the Mob: Wisconsin Fairgoers Attacked, Violently Beaten

Have you heard about this on the news? NOPE and you wont. But boy oh boy if the shoe were on the other foot it would be all over every news channel and radio station that you tuned into. Where's ol' Al and Jessi? Where is Obama with his special address to the nation like he was when the ONE white cop was wrongly accused of arresting the collage professor? 

You head out in the minivan for a fun-filled day with the family at your local mall or the fair. The next thing you know all hell breaks loose and hundreds of individuals are attacking shop keepers, stealing, and violently attacking patrons.
The police, as is typically the case during such incidents, are nowhere to be found until it’s too late.
This is exactly what happened in Milwaukee at the Wisconsin State Fair when hundreds of individuals attacked patrons and passersby:

Witnesses’ accounts claim everything from dozens to hundreds of young black people beating white people as they left State Fair Thursday night.
Authorities have not given official estimates of the number of people involved in the attacks.
“It looked like they were just going after white guys, white people,” said Norb Roffers of Wind Lake in an interview with Newsradio 620 WTMJ.  He left the State Fair Entrance near the corner of South 84th Street and West Schlinger Avenue in West Allis.
“They were attacking everybody for no reason whatsoever.”
“It was 100% racial,” claimed Eric, an Iraq war veteran from St. Francis who says young people beat on his car.
“I had a black couple on my right side, and these black kids were running in between all the cars, and they were pounding on my doors and trying to open up doors on my car, and they didn’t do one thing to this black couple that was in this car next to us.  They just kept walking right past their car.  They were looking in everybody’s windshield as they were running by, seeing who was white and who was black.  Guarantee it.”
Eric, a war veteran, said that the scene he saw Thursday outside State Fair compares to what he saw in combat.
“That rated right up there with it.  When I saw the amount of kids coming down the road, all I kept thinking was, ‘There’s not enough cops to handle this.’  There’s no way.  It would have taken the National Guard to control the number of kids that were coming off the road.  They were knocking people off their motorcycles.”
Another witness, who asked to remain anonymous, said, “it was like a scene you needed the National Guard to control.”

Source: TMJ 4

I like this guy, I wish more people had his intelligence and outlook.

This is what you will see on the news if anything at all. Despicable

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