Sunday, September 11, 2011

God Bless America.

This is the face of America's future.  It has no knowledge of what occurred on September 11th.  Nor does this face know the true meaning to the terror that we experienced ten years ago. 

Their lives are filled with days of make believe and the more simple things about life.  The arms that hold them close when they are frightened are the only protection they need right now ~ there should be no other "world" outside the one they exist in today.

And as they grow it is left to us to gradually teach them what terrorism is and  the significance of  September 11. 

As adults it is our duty to grow them into good strong adult American citizens so that if ever they should have to live in fear, as America did on this day, they may not be as afraid, and will take action to protect America and her people....once again.


"I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be
 reduced by it."
 Maya Angelou

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